Configure Docker environment

Magento Cloud Docker deploys Magento to a read-only file system by default in the Docker environment, which mirrors the read-only file system deployed in the Production environment. You have the option to deploy a Docker environment in developer mode, which provides an active development environment with full, writable filesystem permissions.

You use the ece-docker build:compose command to generate the Docker Compose configuration to deploy Magento Commerce Cloud to a local Docker environment.

The ece-docker build:compose command overwrites the existing docker-compose.yml configuration file. You can save your customizations for the Docker Compose configuration in a docker-compose.override.yml file. See a detailed example in the Docker quick reference.


To get started with local development you must have Docker installed on your workstation. In addition, macOS and Windows systems require either docker-sync or Mutagen for file synchronization between the host and Docker environments.

Optional Steps

Magento Cloud Docker binds to port 80 on your host environment. If you have enabled the bundled web server on your workstation you must stop the service before launching the Docker environment.

sudo apachectl stop

Set the launch mode

You can launch a Docker environment in production or developer mode by setting the mode option on the ece-docker build:compose command:

  • Production mode—The --mode="production" setting supports an active production environment with read-only filesystem permissions. This is the default configuration setting for launching a Docker environment. Selecting this option builds the Docker environment in production mode and verifies configured service versions. See Production mode launch instructions.
  • Developer mode—The --mode="developer" setting supports an active development environment with full, writable filesystem permissions. Selecting this option builds the Docker environment in developer mode and verifies configured service versions. System performance is slower in developer mode because of additional file synchronization operations. See Developer mode launch instructions.

For example, the following command starts the Docker configuration generator for the developer mode:

./vendor/bin/ece-docker build:compose --mode="developer"

To skip the interactive mode, use the -n, --no-interaction option.

The mode option for the ece-docker build:compose command does not affect the Magento mode. It determines the Magento Commerce Cloud file system installation and read-only or read-write behavior.

Stop and start containers

You can stop containers and restore them afterwards using the following methods.

Action Command
Suspend containers to continue your work later docker-compose stop
Stop and remove all containers, images, and volumes docker-compose down
Start containers from a suspended state docker-compose start
Stop the synchronization daemon docker-sync stop
Start the synchronization daemon docker-sync start

Use the following command to stop and remove the Docker configuration:

   docker-compose down -v

This command removes all components of your local Docker instance including containers, networks, volumes, and images except for the persistent database and the magento-sync volume. See Rebuild a clean environment.

Run Composer with Docker

You can run composer using the docker command before you create the container instance. This technique is useful to create an application instance during the CI/CD build process, or even during first time Magento set up.

When you run composer with Docker commands, you must use the Docker Hub PHP Image Tag that matches the Magento application version. The following example uses PHP 7.3. You run this command from the project root directory.

docker run -it  -v $(pwd):/app/:delegated -v ~/.composer/:/root/.composer/:delegated magento/magento-cloud-docker-php:7.3-cli-1.1 bash -c "composer install&&chown www. /app/"

This command passes in the current working directory as /app/, includes composer from ~/.composer/, and runs the composer install command in the container. After this set up, the command fixes the permissions on the files that have been added or changed.

Running Docker on a custom host and port

Sometimes you might want to run Docker on a different host and port, for example if you need more than one Docker instance.

To configure the custom host and port, add the host and port options to the build:compose command.

./vendor/bin/ece-docker build:compose --host=magento2.test --port=8080

You must also add or update the custom host name in your /etc/hosts file.

1 magento2.test

Alternatively, you can run the following command to add it to the file:

echo " magento2.test" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Set up email

Send emails from your Docker environment by adding the following configuration to the docker-compose.yml configuration file:


We do not recommend using Sendmail on CLI containers because the service can slow down the container creation process.