MFTF action group reference
Action groups are important building blocks for quickly creating tests for the Magento Functional Testing Framework. This page lists all current action groups so developers can see what is available to them.
Action group list
- CloseAllDialogBoxes
- No description.
- LoginAdminWithCredentialsActionGroup
- No description.
- SelectAdminUsageSetting
- No description.
- LoginAsAdmin
- No description.
- AdminSystemMessagesWarningActionGroup
- Check warning system message exists.
- ClickSaveButtonActionGroup
- No description.
- SetWebsiteCountryOptionsToDefaultActionGroup
- Sets the Website Country configuration setting to the Default values.
- AssertAdminPageIsNot404ActionGroup
- Validates that the ‘404 Error’ message is present and correct in the Admin Page Header.
- logout
- Logout of the Backend Admin. PLEASE NOTE: This Action Group does NOT validate that you are Logged Out.
- LoginAdminWithCredentialsActionGroup
- Login to Backend Admin using provided Admin credentials. PLEASE NOTE: This Action Group does NOT validate that you are Logged In.
- SortByIdDescendingActionGroup
- Sorts a Backend Admin Grid by descending order for the ID column.
- AssertMessageOnAdminLoginActionGroup
- Validate Backend Admin Login status message is present and correct.
- AssertMessageInAdminPanelActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Message appears in the provided Message Type on an Admin page.
- SetAdminAccountActionGroup
- Update the Interface Language configuration setting using provided Interface Language.
- AdminNavigateMenuActionGroup
- Open Backend Admin side Navigation Menu. Click on Sub-Navigation Menu item.
- AdminFilterLegacyGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertPageTitleActionGroup
- Validate Backend Admin Grid Page Title is present and correct.
- LoginActionGroup
- Login to Backend Admin using ENV Admin credentials. PLEASE NOTE: This Action Group does NOT validate that you are Logged In.
- AdminResetLegacyGridFilterActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminUserIsInGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminDashboardPageIsVisibleActionGroup
- Validate the Backend Admin Dashboard URI is correct. Validate the Backend Admin Dashboard Title is present and correct.
- AdminSetStoreInformationConfigurationActionGroup
- Set Store Information configurations
- deleteEntitySecondaryGrid
- This Action Group deletes an item from a grid based on provided Name. After Searching, the First Row is clicked.
- AssertAdminSuccessLoginActionGroup
- Wait for the current Admin Name to appear in the Backend Admin.
- AssertOrderGraphImageOnDashboardActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminClickFormActionButtonActionGroup
- No description.
- LoginAsAdmin
- Login to Backend Admin using provided User Data. PLEASE NOTE: This Action Group does NOT validate that you are Logged In.
- AssertUserRoleRestrictedAccessActionGroup
- No description.
- deleteBackup
- Deletes a Backup using provided Backup Entity.
- createSystemBackup
- Creates a System Backup using provided Backup Entity.
- createMediaBackup
- Creates a Media Backup using provided Backup Entity.
- createDatabaseBackup
- Creates a Database Backup using provided Backup Entity.
- GoToAllUsers
- Navigate to the Users page via Backend Admin Side Menu. PLEASE NOTE: Use the amOnPage action instead.
- AdminCreateUserAction
- Creates a User using the NewAdmin User Entity and User Role Entity. PLEASE NOTE: The Action Group values are Hardcoded.
- StorefrontFillCartDataActionGroup
- Fills Cart Data with Braintree using the provided Data Entity.
- AdminOrderBraintreeFillActionGroup
- Fills in the Payment Method using Braintree details. PLEASE NOTE: The Braintree details are Hardcoded using ‘PaymentAndShippingInfo’.
- GoToUserRoles
- Navigate to the User Roles page via Backend Admin Side Menu. PLEASE NOTE: Use the amOnPage action instead.
- AdminCreateNewRole
- Creates a User Role using the provided Data.
- AdminDeleteRoleActionGroup
- Deletes a User Role.
- ConfigureBraintree
- Sets up the Braintree configuration setting using the BraintreeConfigurationSection Data Entity. PLEASE NOTE: The Action Group values are Hardcoded.
- DisableBrainTree
- Disables the Braintree and BraintreePaypal configuration settings via the CLI.
- AdminOrderConfigureBundleProduct
- No description.
- CreateBasicBundleProduct
- Requires Navigation to the Product Creation page. Fills out Name, Sku, and SEO information using the BundleProduct Data Entity. PLEASE NOTE: The Action Group values are Hardcoded.
- addBundleOptionWithTwoProducts
- Requires Navigation to the Product Creation page. Adds Bundle Option with Two Products using the provided arguments. ‘x’ refers to Bundle option number. ‘n’ refers to the first number after x.
- addBundleOptionWithOneProduct
- Requires Navigation to the Product Creation page. Adds Bundle Option with One Product as specified in arguments. ‘x’ refers to Bundle option number. ‘n’ refers to the first number after x.
- addBundleOptionWithTreeProducts
- Requires Navigation to the Product Creation page. Adds Bundle Option with Three Products using the provided arguments. ‘x’ refers to Bundle option number. ‘n’ refers to the first number after x.
- addBundleOptionWithSixProducts
- Requires Navigation to Product Creation page. Adds Bundle Option with Six Products as specified in arguments. ‘x’ refers to Bundle option number. ‘n’ refers to the first number after x.
- deleteBundleOptionByIndex
- Requires Navigation to Product Creation page. Removes any Bundle Option by index specified in arguments. ‘deleteIndex’ refers to Bundle option number.
- VerifyProductTypeOrder
- Checks that Bundle is in the correct order in comparison to other product types on the add product dropdown.
- StoreFrontAddProductToCartFromBundleWithCurrencyActionGroup
- Adds a Bundled Product to the Cart with a specified Currency Value.
- StorefrontAddCategoryBundleProductToCartActionGroup
- Adds a Bundled Product to the Cart from the Category page.
- StorefrontAddBundleProductFromCategoryToCartActionGroup
- Adds a Bundled Product to the Cart from the Product page. PLEASE NOTE: The Quantity selection is not available in the Action Group.
- StorefrontAddBundleProductFromProductToCartActionGroup
- Adds a Bundled Product to the Cart from the Product page. PLEASE NOTE: The Quantity selection is not available in the Action Group.
- StorefrontAddBundleProductFromProductToCartWithMultiOption
- Selects a Bundled Product option on the Bundled Product page. PLEASE NOTE: The Quantity selection is not available in the Action Group.
- AncillaryPrepBundleProduct
- Requires Navigation to the Product Creation page. Fills out Name, Sku, and SEO information using the BundleProduct Data Entity. PLEASE NOTE: The Action Group values are Hardcoded.
- FindProductToEdit
- Clears the Backend Admin Grid Filters on the Backend Admin Product Grid page. Searches for the BundleProduct Data Entity. Then clicks on the first item in the Admin Grid. PLEASE NOTE: The Action Group values are Hardcoded.
- AdminClearFiltersActionGroup
- Goes to the Catalog Backend Admin Grid page. Then clears the Grid Filters.
- StorefrontSelectCustomizeAndAddToTheCartButtonActionGroup
- Clicks ‘Customize and Add to Cart’ on a Storefront Bundled Product page.
- StorefrontSelectBundleProductDropDownOptionActionGroup
- Selects the provided Product Name on a Storefront Bundled Product page.
- fillMainBundleProductForm
- Fills the Name, SKU and Stock Status fields.
- checkRequiredFieldsInBundleProductForm
- Clears the Name and SKU fields when adding a Product and then verifies that they are required after attempting to Save.
- viewBundleProductInAdminGrid
- Clears the Grid Filters on the Catalog Grid page and applies Filter by Name and Sku. Then checks to see if the Product exists in the 1st row. Then clears the Grid Filters again for future Tests.
- AdminCreateApiDynamicBundleProductActionGroup
- Creates 4 products with varying prices. Creates the bundle product with specified name. Adds the multiple select and checkbox options and 4 links to the created products. Uses the ‘ApiBundleProduct’ entity.
- AdminCreateApiFixedBundleProductActionGroup
- Creates 4 products with varying prices. Creates the bundle product with specified name. Adds the multiple select and checkbox options and 4 links to the created products. Uses the ‘ApiFixedBundleProduct’ entity.
- AdminCreateApiDynamicBundleProductAllOptionTypesActionGroup
- Creates 3 products with varying prices. Creates the dynamic bundle product with specified name. Adds the multiple select, checkbox options and links to the created products. Uses the ‘ApiBundleProduct’ entity.
- SetBundleProductAttributes
- Requires navigation to the Product Creation page. Fills in the arguments listed below on the product page. Saves the changes.
- BundleProductFilter
- Applies a Backend Admin Grid filter for Bundle Products.
- AssertCaptchaVisibleOnCustomerLoginFormActionGroup
- Validate that the Captcha IS present on the Storefront Customer Login page.
- CaptchaFormsDisplayingActionGroup
- Navigates to store configuration page through UI and expands the CAPTCHA section under Customers > Customer Configuration.
- AssertCaptchaVisibleOnCustomerAccountInfoActionGroup
- Validate that the Captcha IS present on the Storefront Customer Account Information page.
- AssertCaptchaVisibleOnCustomerAccountCreatePageActionGroup
- Validate that the Captcha IS present on the Storefront Create Customer page.
- StorefrontFillCustomerLoginFormWithCaptchaActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontFillCustomerLoginFormActionGroup. Fills in the Captcha field on the Storefront Customer Login page.
- AdminLoginWithCaptchaActionGroup
- EXTENDS: LoginAsAdmin. Fills in the Captcha field on the Backend Admin Login page.
- AssertCaptchaNotVisibleOnCustomerLoginFormActionGroup
- Validate that the Captcha is NOT present on the Backend Admin Login page.
- StorefrontFillContactUsFormWithCaptchaActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontFillContactUsFormActionGroup. Fills in the Captcha field on the Storefront Contact Us page.
- StorefrontFillCustomerAccountCreationFormWithCaptchaActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontFillCustomerAccountCreationFormActionGroup. Fills in the Captcha field on the Storefront Create Customer page.
- AssertCaptchaVisibleOnContactUsFormActionGroup
- Validate that the Captcha IS present on the Storefront Contact Us page.
- AssertCaptchaVisibleOnAdminLoginFormActionGroup
- Validate that the Captcha IS present on the Backend Admin Login page.
- StorefrontCustomerChangeEmailWithCaptchaActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontCustomerChangeEmailActionGroup. Fills in the Captcha field on the Storefront Customer Information page.
- StorefrontAssertProductAbsentOnCategoryPageActionGroup
- DEPRECATED. Please use AssertStorefrontProductAbsentOnCategoryPageActionGroup instead. Navigate to category page and verify product is absent.
- AdminAssignProductInWebsiteActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertProductInStorefrontProductPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront page. Validates that the provided Product details are present.
- AssertProductInStorefrontProductPage
- Goes to the Storefront page. Validates that the provided Product details are present.
- AssertProductNameAndSkuInStorefrontProductPage
- Goes to the Storefront Product page for the provided Product. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- AssertProductNameAndSkuInStorefrontProductPageByCustomAttributeUrlKey
- Goes to the Storefront Product page for the provided Product. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertCustomOptionByTitleActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Option Title is present on the Storefront Product page.
- SaveCategoryFormActionGroup
- DEPRECATED. Use AdminSaveCategoryFormActionGroup instead. Requires navigation to the Category creation/edit page. Checks that the url contains the AdminCategoryPage url. Saves the Category.
- StorefrontProductPageSelectRadioButtonOptionValueActionGroup
- Selects the provided Product Option Value under the provided Radio Button Product Option Title on a Storefront Product page.
- DeleteProductAttributeByAttributeCodeActionGroup
- Delete a Product Attribute from the Product Attribute creation/edit page.
- DeleteProductBySkuActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Products grid page. Deletes the provided Product SKU.
- AdminCategoryPageOpenProductsInCategorySectionActionGroup
- Open ‘Products in Category’ section on category edit page in Admin.
- AssertProductAttributePresenceInCatalogProductGridActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Attributes Sets is present on the Backend Attribute Sets grid.
- FillProductNameAndSkuInProductFormActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Product details (Name and SKU) on the Admin Products creation and edit page.
- AdminAddMinimumAdvertisedPriceActionGroup
- Clicks ‘Advanced Pricing’ on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Fills in the provided MSRP details. Clicks on Done.
- addToCartFromStorefrontProductPage
- Click on the Add to Cart button. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AddProductWithQtyToCartFromStorefrontProductPage
- EXTENDS: addToCartFromStorefrontProductPage. Fills in the provided Product Quantity for the provided Product Name.
- testDynamicValidationHint
- Validates that the Product Text Option Text Length Hint displays the correct Count for multiple inputs based on the provided Character Limit.
- checkAttributeInMoreInformationTab
- Validates that the Product More Information area contains the provided Text.
- checkAttributeNotInMoreInformationTab
- Validate that the More Information area does not contain the provided Text.
- AdminAssignImageRolesActionGroup
- Requires the navigation to the Product Creation page. Checks the Base, Small, Thumbnail, and Swatch Roles areas for images.
- AdminAssignImageRolesIfUnassignedActionGroup
- Requires the navigation to the Product Creation page. Assign the Base, Small, Thumbnail, and Swatch Roles to image.
- AdminUnassignCategoryOnProductAndSaveActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCategoryPageSortProductActionGroup
- Select ‘Sort by’ parameter for sorting Products on Category page
- StorefrontCategoryPageSortAscendingActionGroup
- Set Ascending Direction for sorting Products on Category page
- StorefrontCategoryPageSortDescendingActionGroup
- Set Descending Direction for sorting Products on Category page
- AssertStorefrontProductAbsentOnCategoryPageActionGroup
- Navigate to category page and verify product is absent.
- AdminOpenNewProductFormPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Product creation/edit page for the provided Product Type and Attribute Set ID.
- AdminAssignCategoryToProductAndSaveActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontSelectCustomOptionRadioAndAssertPricesActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AssertStorefrontProductPricesActionGroup. Clicks on the provided Custom Option on a Storefront Product page.
- AssertAdminProductStockStatusActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCreateRecentlyProductsWidgetActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateWidgetActionGroup. Adds Product Attributes/Buttons to a Widget. Clicks on the Save button.
- AdminCreateCatalogProductWidgetActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateWidgetActionGroup. Creates Catalog Category Link Widget.
- AssertProductOnAdminGridActionGroup
- EXTENDS: viewProductInAdminGrid. Removes the ‘clickClearFiltersAfter’ step from the Action Group.
- AssertErrorMessageAfterDeletingWebsiteActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Products grid page. Clicks on Ok. Validates that the provided Error Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertPageNotFoundErrorOnProductDetailPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontNavigateCategoryPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminFillProductAttributePropertiesActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSwitchScopeForProductAttributeActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSwitchProductGiftMessageStatusActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCheckProductPriceInCategoryActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontCheckCategorySimpleProduct. Removes ‘AssertProductPrice’. Validates that the provided Product Price is present and correct on a Storefront Product page.
- StorefrontAssertProductPriceOnCategoryPageActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product Price is correct on category page.
- NavigateToMediaGalleryActionGroup
- Navigates to the category page and Opens the Media Gallery.
- AdminProductFormCloseAdvancedPricingDialogActionGroup
- Close Advanced Pricing dialog from product form.
- AssignAttributeToGroup
- Assign the provided Attribute to an Attribute Set from the Attribute Sets creation/edit page.
- UnassignAttributeFromGroup
- Unassign the provided Attribute from an Attribute Set from the Attribute Sets creation/edit page.
- SaveAttributeSet
- Save an Attribute Set on the Attribute Set creation/edit page.
- CreateDefaultAttributeSet
- Goes to the Attribute Sets grid page. Clicks on Add. Fill Name. Clicks on Save.
- AdminAddUnassignedAttributeToGroup
- No description.
- goToAttributeGridPage
- Goes to the Attribute Sets grid page.
- goToAttributeSetByName
- Searches for the provided Attribute Sets Name. Clicks on the 1st row.
- filterProductAttributeByAttributeLabel
- Searches the Attribute Sets grid page for the provided Attribute Set Name.
- FilterProductAttributeSetGridByAttributeSetName
- Filters the Attribute Sets grid page for the provided Attribute Set Name.
- deleteAttributeSetByLabel
- Deletes the provided Attribute Set Name from the Attribute Sets grid page.
- ConfirmChangeInputTypeModalActionGroup
- Clicks on the Confirm button for the ‘Product Data My Be Lost’ modal.
- AdminChangeProductSEOSettingsActionGroup
- No description.
- MoveCategoryActionGroup
- Move a Category on the Backend Category page.
- StorefrontAssertProductPriceOnProductPageActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product Price is present and correct.
- AddSimpleProductToCart
- Navigates to the Storefront Product page. Then adds the Product to the Cart. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontAddSimpleProductWithQtyActionGroup
- No description.
- AddUpSellProductBySkuActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AddRelatedProductBySkuActionGroup. Add the provided Product as an Up Sell Product.
- ResetProductGridToDefaultViewActionGroup
- Sets the Admin Products grid view to the ‘Default View’.
- AssertAdminProductFormAdvancedPricingCheckTierPriceActionGroup
- Check AdvancedPricing tier price row.
- DeleteProductAttributeByLabelActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Product Attributes grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Product Attribute (Label). Deletes the Product Attribute from the grid. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- NavigateToCreatedProductAttributeActionGroup
- Goes to the Product Attributes grid page. Filters the grid based on the provided Product Attribute. Clicks on the 1st row.
- StorefrontCheckSimpleProduct
- Validates that the provided Simple Product information is present and correct.
- assertProductImageStorefrontProductPage
- Validates that the provided Product Image is present.
- assertProductImageStorefrontProductPage2
- Validates that the provided Product Image is present.
- assertProductImageNotInStorefrontProductPage
- Validates that the provided Product Image is not present.
- assertProductImageNotInStorefrontProductPage2
- Validates that the provided Product Image is not present.
- AdminOpenAttributeSetByNameActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminProductFormAdvancedPricingAddTierPriceActionGroup
- Add new tier price on Advanced Pricing dialog on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AdminUpdateProductNameAndDescriptionAttributes
- No description.
- AdminAddAdvancedPricingToTheProductActionGroup
- Clicks ‘Advanced Pricing’ on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Fills in the provided Group Price at the provided Index for CE/EE. Clicks on Done.
- AdminAddAdvancedPricingToTheProductExtendedActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminAddAdvancedPricingToTheProductActionGroup. Removes ‘selectProductTierPriceCustomerGroupInput’. Selects the provided Group Price at the provided Index for B2B.
- VerifyProductTypeOrder
- Clicks on the ‘Add Product’ toggle. Validates that the Simple/Virtual Products are listed in the correct order.
- FillNewProductCategoryActionGroup
- Actions to fill out a new category from the product page with specified category and parent category names.
- AssertStorefrontCategorySimpleProductShownActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Simple Product is present and correct on a Category page.
- OpenProductAttributeFromSearchResultInGridActionGroup
- EXTENDS: SearchAttributeByCodeOnProductAttributeGridActionGroup. Click on Edit for the provided Product Attribute Code.
- AdminOpenProductAttributePageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAnchorCategoryActionGroup
- No description.
- NavigateToCreatedCategoryActionGroup
- Navigates to category page, selects a category by specified category.
- StorefrontAssertProductImagesOnProductPageActionGroup
- Validate that the Product Image is present and correct. Validate that the Fullscreen Product Image is present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertFotoramaImageAvailablity
- No description.
- StorefrontAddProductReviewActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminProductFormDoneAdvancedPricingDialogActionGroup
- Done Advanced Pricing dialog from product form.
- ExpandAdminProductSectionActionGroup
- Expand the provided Section Selector based on the provided dependant Section Selector.
- AssertProductInfoOnEditPageActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product details are correct on the Product creation/edit page.
- AdminSaveCategoryFormActionGroup
- Save category edit form in Admin and check success message.
- AdminAssertProductsGridIsEmptyActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertProductInRecentlyViewedWidgetActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product appears in the Recently Viewed Products widget.
- StorefrontAssertProductInRecentlyComparedWidgetActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product appears in the Recently Compared Products widget.
- StorefrontAssertProductInRecentlyOrderedWidgetActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product appears in the Recently Ordered Products widget.
- SaveProductAttributeActionGroup
- Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AssertProductNameAndSkuInStorefrontProductPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Product page for the provided Product. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- AssertStorefrontProductPriceInCategoryPageActionGroup
- Goes to Storefront Category page for the provided Category. Validates that the Product price is present and correct.
- FilterProductGridByNameActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product (Name).
- AddRelatedProductBySkuActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product SKU as a Related Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AssertProductDetailsOnStorefrontActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Info does NOT appear in the Product Number on a Storefront Category page.
- StorefrontAddCategoryProductToCompareActionGroup
- Add a Product to the Compare Product list from a Category page.
- StorefrontAddProductToCompareActionGroup
- Add a Product to the Compare Product list. Validate that the Success Message is present.
- StorefrontCheckCompareSidebarProductActionGroup
- Validate that the Product Name is present and correct in the Compare Product list.
- StorefrontOpenAndCheckComparisionActionGroup
- Open the Storefront Compare Product page. Validate that the Compare Product fields are present.
- StorefrontCheckCompareSimpleProductActionGroup
- Validate that the Simple Product is present and correct in the Compare Product area.
- StorefrontClearCompareActionGroup
- Clear the Compare Products list. Validate that the Compare Products list is empty.
- AssertStorefrontAttributeOptionPresentInLayeredNavigationActionGroup
- Clicks on the attribute label. Checks for attribute option presence.
- StorefrontOpenProductPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Product page for the provided Product URL.
- StorefrontOpenProductPageOnSecondStore
- Goes to the Storefront Product page for the provided store code and Product URL.
- AdminProductFormOpenAdvancedPricingDialogActionGroup
- Open Advanced Pricing dialog from product form.
- DeleteProductUsingProductGridActionGroup
- Deletes the provided Product from the Admin Products grid page.
- SaveProductFormActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save button. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminSetProductDesignSettingsActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontProductPricesActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Price and Final Product Price are present on the Storefront Product page.
- StorefrontAddProductToCartFromProductPageActionGroup
- Click on the Add to Cart button. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- StorefrontOpenHomePageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Homepage.
- StorefrontAssertProductSpecialPriceOnProductPageActionGroup
- Goes to the provided Storefront Product page. Validates that the provided Special Price is present and correct.
- navigateToCreatedProductAttribute
- Goes to the Product Attributes grid page. Filters the grid based on the provided Product Attribute. Clicks on the 1st row.
- navigateToEditProductAttribute
- Goes to the Product Attributes grid page. Filters the grid based on the provided Product Attribute. Clicks on the 1st row.
- AdminCreateAttributeFromProductPage
- From the Product creation/edit page, under ‘Configurations’, Clicks on ‘Create Configurations’. Clicks on ‘Create New Attribute’. Fills Label. Selects Type. Clicks on Save.
- AdminCreateAttributeFromProductPageWithScope
- No description.
- AdminCreateAttributeWithValueWithTwoStoreViesFromProductPage
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateAttributeFromProductPage. Adds the 2 provided Store Views to a Product. Clicks on Save.
- AdminProductPageCreateAttributeSetWithAttribute
- Adds the provided Product Attribute Set to a Product on the Product creation/edit page.
- AdminCreateAttributeWithSearchWeight
- EXTENDS: AdminProductPageCreateAttributeSetWithAttribute. Sets the provided Search Weight and Default Values.
- AdminProductPageSelectAttributeSet
- Selects the provided Attribute Set from the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AdminProductPageFillTextAttributeValueByName
- Fills in the Attribute Name field with the provided value.
- changeUseForPromoRuleConditionsProductAttribute
- Select the provided value for the ‘Use for Promo Rule Conditions’ dropdown menu. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Save message is present.
- deleteProductAttribute
- EXTENDS: navigateToCreatedProductAttribute. Deletes the Product Attribute. Validates that the success message is present.
- deleteProductAttributeByLabel
- Goes to the Admin Product Attributes grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Product Attribute (Label). Deletes the Product Attribute from the grid. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- deleteProductAttributeByAttributeCode
- Goes to the Admin Product Attributes grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Product Attribute Code. Deletes the Product Attribute from the grid. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- filterProductAttributeByAttributeCode
- Filters the Product Attributes grid by the provided Product Attribute Code.
- filterProductAttributeByDefaultLabel
- Filters the Product Attributes grid by the provided Product Attribute Label.
- saveProductAttribute
- Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- confirmChangeInputTypeModal
- Clicks on the Confirm button for the ‘Product Data My Be Lost’ modal.
- saveProductAttributeInUse
- Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- addProductAttributeInProductModal
- Adds the provided Attribute Code to the Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- createProductAttribute
- Clicks on ‘Add New Attribute’. Fills in the Attribute Details (Label, Input Type and Value Required). Clicks on Save.
- AdminCreateSearchableProductAttribute
- No description.
- createProductAttributeWithTextField
- EXTENDS: createProductAttribute. Fills in the Attribute Code and Default Value (Attribute Type: Text Field).
- createProductAttributeWithDateField
- EXTENDS: createProductAttribute. Fills in the Attribute Code and Default Value (Attribute Type: Date Field).
- createAttributeDropdownNthOption
- Creates an Option for a Product Attribute (Attribute Type: Dropdown).
- createAttributeDropdownNthOptionAsDefault
- EXTENDS: createAttributeDropdownNthOption. Checks the ‘Is Default’ option.
- CreateCustomRadioOptions
- Adds a custom Radio Product Option with 3 Radio Options to a Product based on the provided Options.
- AddProductCustomOptionFile
- Add a custom File Product Option to a Product based on the provided File.
- AddProductCustomOptionField
- Add a custom Field Product Option to a Product based on the provided Option.
- importProductCustomizableOptions
- Import custom Product Options for the provided Product Name.
- resetImportOptionFilter
- Click on the Reset Filters button for the Import Options filters on the Product grid page.
- checkCustomizableOptionImport
- Validate that the Custom Product Option Import value is present and correct.
- AdminDeleteAllProductCustomOptions
- No description.
- AdminAssertProductHasNoCustomOptions
- No description.
- AdminAssertProductHasNoCustomOption
- No description.
- AdminAssertProductCustomOptionVisible
- No description.
- AdminDeleteProductCustomOption
- No description.
- AssertAttributeDeletionErrorMessageActionGroup
- Validates that the Error Message is present and correct on the Backend Admin Attribute Sets creation/edit page when you try to delete an Attribute Set assigned to a Configurable Product. PLEASE NOTE: The Error Message is hardcoded.
- OpenProductFromCategoryPageActionGroup
- Goto the provided Category page. Click on the provided Product page.
- AdminClickOnAdvancedInventoryLinkActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Advanced Inventory’ link on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AdminClickOnAdvancedInventoryButtonActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Advanced Inventory’ link on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AdminFillAttributeDataProductFormNewAttributeActionGroup
- Fill attribute data on ‘Create New Attribute’ page Admin Product creation/edit page .
- AdminClickAddAttributeOnProductEditPageActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Add Attribute’. Admin Product creation/edit page .
- AssertStorefrontCustomProductAttributeActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontGoToCategoryPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontGoToSubCategoryPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontClickAddToCartOnProductPageActionGroup
- Adds a Product to the Cart. Validate that the Success Message is present.
- NavigateToAndResetProductAttributeGridToDefaultViewActionGroup
- Goes to the Product Attributes grid. Clicks on ‘Clear Filters’.
- AdminFillAdvancedInventoryOutOfStockThresholdActionGroup
- Unchecks ‘Use Config Setting’ for the ‘Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart’ option in ‘Advanced Inventory’ panel on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Fills in the provided Quantity.
- AdminCreateCustomDropDownOptionsActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Add Option’. Adds the 2 provided Options under the provided Custom Option Name to a Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page under the ‘Customizable Options’ section.
- CompareTwoProductsOrder
- Goes to the Storefront. Validates that the 2 provided Products appear in the correct order.
- OpenStorefrontProductPageByProductNameActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAddProductCustomOptionActionGroup
- Adds the provided Custom Option Title/Type to a Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page under the ‘Customizable Options’ section.
- AddSimpleProductToCartActionGroup
- Navigates to the Storefront Product page. Then adds the Product to the Cart. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertSeeProductDetailsOnStorefrontRecentlyViewedWidgetActionGroup
- Goes to the home Page Recently VIewed Product and Grab the Prdouct name and Position from it.
- FillMainProductFormByStringActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Product Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Stock Status and Weight on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- StorefrontSelectCustomOptionDropDownAndAssertPricesActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AssertStorefrontProductPricesActionGroup. Selects the provided Custom Product Option on a Storefront Product page.
- FillAdminSimpleProductFormActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Clicks on Add. Fills the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Category and URL). Clicks on Save. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- resetProductGridToDefaultView
- Sets the Admin Products grid view to the ‘Default View’.
- filterProductGridBySku
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product (SKU).
- filterProductGridBySku2
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product SKU.
- filterProductGridByName
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product (Name).
- filterProductGridByName2
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product Name.
- filterProductGridBySetNewFromDate
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the New From Data field. PLEASE NOTE: The Start Date is Hardcoded.
- filterProductGridByPriceRange
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Price Filter.
- filterProductGridByEnabledStatus
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the ‘Enabled’ Status. PLEASE NOTE: The Filter is Hardcoded.
- filterProductGridByDisabledStatus
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the ‘Disabled’ Status. PLEASE NOTE: The Filter is Hardcoded.
- searchProductGridByKeyword
- Searches the Admin Products grid for the provided Keyword.
- searchProductGridByKeyword2
- Searches the Admin Products grid for the provided Keyword.
- viewProductInAdminGrid
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product (Name, SKU and Type).
- filterProductGridBySkuAndName
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product (Name and SKU).
- deleteProductUsingProductGrid
- Deletes the provided Product from the Admin Products grid page.
- deleteAllDuplicateProductUsingProductGrid
- EXTENDS: deleteProductUsingProductGrid. Removes ‘seeProductSkuInGrid’.
- deleteProductBySku
- Goes to the Admin Products grid page. Deletes the provided Product SKU.
- deleteProductByName
- EXTENDS: deleteProductBySku. Deletes the provided Product Name.
- deleteProductsByKeyword
- Delete products by keyword
- openProducForEditByClickingRowXColumnYInProductGrid
- Clicks on the ‘Edit’ button in the Admin Products grid by the provided Grid coordinates (X, Y).
- sortProductsByIdDescending
- Filters the ID column in Descending Order.
- sortProductsByIdAscending
- Filters the ID column in Ascending Order.
- ChangeStatusProductUsingProductGridActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Products grid page. Changes the Product Status to the provided Status. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- NavigateToAndResetProductGridToDefaultView
- EXTENDS: resetProductGridToDefaultView. Adds an action to go to the Admin Products grid page.
- NavigateToAndResetProductAttributeGridToDefaultView
- Goes to the Product Attributes grid. Clicks on ‘Clear Filters’.
- filterAndSelectProduct
- Goes to the Admin Products grid. Filters the Product grid by the provided Product SKU.
- deleteProductsIfTheyExist
- Deletes all Products in the Admin Products grid.
- deleteAllProductsUsingProductGrid
- Deletes all products in Admin Products grid page.
- CreateNewProductActionGroup
- Goes to the Product creation/edit page. Fills in Product Name, Price and Quantity. Then Saves the work.
- AdminSubmitAdvancedInventoryFormActionGroup
- Clicks on Done on the Admin Product creation/edit page on the ‘Advanced Inventory’ panel.
- AssertStorefrontProductControlsAreVisibleOnHoverActionGroup
- Validate that the Product Controls Are Visible on Category Page on Hover on Product
- GoToProductPageViaIDActionGroup
- Goes to the Product edit page for the provided Product ID.
- AssertStorefrontProductIsPresentOnCategoryPageActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product is present and has correct name on a Category page.
- AdminOpenAttributeSetGridPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertGiftMessageFieldsActionGroup
- No description.
- GoToStorefrontCategoryPageByParameters
- Goes to the Storefront Category page using URI Search Parameters.
- VerifyCategoryPageParameters
- Validate that the Category Page parameters are present and correct.
- StorefrontCheckCategoryActionGroup
- Validate that the Storefront Category is present and correct.
- StorefrontCheckCategorySimpleProduct
- DEPRECATED Use AssertStorefrontCategorySimpleProductShownActionGroup. Validate that the provided Simple Product is present and correct on a Category page.
- AssertProductOnCategoryPageActionGroup
- DEPRECATED Use AssertStorefrontProductIsPresentOnCategoryPageActionGroup. EXTENDS:StorefrontCheckCategorySimpleProduct. Removes ‘AssertProductPrice’, ‘moveMouseOverProduct’, ‘AssertAddToCart’
- StorefrontCheckAddToCartButtonAbsence
- No description.
- StorefrontSwitchCategoryViewToListMode
- Switch the Storefront Category view to List.
- GoToSubCategoryPage
- Goes to the Storefront page. Open the Parent Category menu in the Top Nav Menu. Click on a Subcategory. Validate that the Subcategory is present and correct.
- FilterProductGridBySku2ActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product SKU.
- OpenEditProductOnBackendActionGroup
- Click on Edit for the provided Product SKU.
- AdminAssertProductEditPageCreateAttributeSaveInAttributeSetPopUpShownActionGroup
- Asserts that after click on ‘Save In New Attribute Set’ poup shown .
- StorefrontOpenProductPageUsingStoreCodeInUrlActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertProductNameOnProductPageActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product Price is present and correct.
- AdminCheckProductIsMissingInCategoryProductsGrid
- No description.
- AdminCheckProductPositionInCategoryProductsGrid
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontProductControlsAreNotVisibleWithoutHoverActionGroup
- Validate that the Product Controls Are Not Visible On Category Page Without Hover on Product
- AssertDontSeeProductDetailsOnStorefrontActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Info does NOT appear in the Product Number on a Storefront Category page.
- AdminExpandProductAttributesTabActionGroup
- Expands the ‘Attributes’ tab on the Admin Product page.
- SearchForProductOnBackendActionGroup
- Goto the Product grid page. Search for the provided Product.
- SearchForProductOnBackendByNameActionGroup
- Search for the provided Product Name.
- ClearProductsFilterActionGroup
- Goto the Product grid page. Clear the Search Filters for the grid.
- StorefrontAssertProductSkuOnProductPageActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Product Sku is present and correct.
- AdminOpenProductIndexPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCheckProductIsMissingInCategoryProductsPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCheckProductPositionActionGroup
- No description.
- SearchAttributeByCodeOnProductAttributeGridActionGroup
- Goto the Product Attribute grid page. Search for the provided Product Attribute Code.
- AdminAddTitleAndPriceValueToCustomOptionActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Add Option’. Fills in the provided Custom Option Title/Type on the Admin Product creation/edit page under the ‘Customizable Options’ section.
- OpenStoreFrontProductPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSetUseInSearchValueForProductAttributeActionGroup
- Set ‘Use In Search’ value for product attribute
- DisableProductLabelActionGroup
- Disable Product Label and Change Attribute Set.
- StorefrontAddToCartCustomOptionsProductPageActionGroup
- Add a Product to the Cart. Validate that the Success Message is present.
- AdminCreateRootCategory
- Requires navigation to Category creation. Adds a new root category and asserts on creation.
- AssertSubTotalOnStorefrontMiniCartActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Sub Total is present in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart.
- AdminUnassignProductInWebsiteActionGroup
- No description.
- searchAndMultiSelectActionGroup
- Search for and select multiple items in the Magento dropdown UI component.
- FillMainProductFormNoWeightActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Stock Status and Weight Type) on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- AssertStorefrontProductSpecialPriceInCategoryPageActionGroup
- Goes to Storefront Category page for the provided Category. Validates that the Product price and special price are correct.
- DeleteProductActionGroup
- Deletes the provided Product Name from the Product grid page.
- CheckItemInLayeredNavigationActionGroup
- Expands the Product Filters on a Storefront Category page if it is not expanded.
- NavigateToCreatedProductEditPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Filters the Product grid based on the provided Product details (SKU). Edits the provided Product. Validates that the Product SKU is present and correct.
- StorefrontAddProductToCartWithQtyActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Product Quantity. Clicks on Add To Cart. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AdminFillAdvancedInventoryQtyActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Quantity for the ‘Qty’ option in ‘Advanced Inventory’ panel on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- StorefrontAssertProductNameOnProductMainPageActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Name is present and correct on a Storefront Category page.
- StorefrontProductPageSelectDropDownOptionValueActionGroup
- Selects the provided Product Option Value under the provided DropDown Product Option Title on a Storefront Product page.
- GoToCreateProductPageActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Add Product’ toggle on the Admin Products grid page. Clicks on the provided Product (Type).
- FilterProductGridBySkuActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Products grid by the provided Product (SKU).
- RestoreLayoutSetting
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Web’. Selects ‘No layout updates’ for the Default Product/Category Layouts.
- AdminClickCreateNewAttributeFromProductEditPageActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Create New Attribute’. Admin Product creation/edit page .
- AssertProductInStorefrontCategoryPage
- Goes to Storefront Category page for the provided Category. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- AssertStorefrontProductDetailPageNameAndUrlActionGroup
- Validates that the Product name and Url are correct.
- AddWebsiteToProductActionGroup
- Adds the provided Website to a Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- OpenProductForEditByClickingRowXColumnYInProductGridActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Edit’ button in the Admin Products grid by the provided Grid coordinates (X, Y).
- FillMainProductFormActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Stock Status, Weight Type and Weight) on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- NavigateToAndResetProductGridToDefaultViewActionGroup
- EXTENDS: resetProductGridToDefaultView. Adds an action to go to the Admin Products grid page.
- FilterProductInGridByStoreViewAndNameActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Products grid page. Filters the grid based on the provided Store View. Validates that the Product Name is present in the 1st row of the grid.
- CreateCategory
- Requires navigation to the Category creation page. Adds a new Subcategory. Validates that the Category was created.
- goToCreateCategoryPage
- Goes to the Category grid page. Clicks the Add Subcategory button.
- goToAdminCategoryPageById
- Goes to the Category edit page for a specified Category ID.
- fillCategoryForm
- Requires navigation to the Subcategory creation/edit page. Fills the Subcategory Name. Fills the Search Engine Optimization.
- saveCategoryForm
- DEPRECATED. Use AdminSaveCategoryFormActionGroup instead. Requires navigation to the Category creation/edit page. Checks that the url contains the AdminCategoryPage url. Saves the Category.
- addCategoryImage
- Requires navigation to the Category creation/edit page. Adds the provided image to a Category. Validates that the Image exists.
- removeCategoryImage
- Requires navigation to the Category creation/edit page. Removes the current Category image. Validates that the Image does not exist.
- checkCategoryImageInAdmin
- Requires navigation to the Category creation/edit page. Click on the Upload button. Validates that the Image exists.
- navigateToMediaGallery
- Navigates to the category page and Opens the Media Gallery.
- CheckCategoryOnStorefront
- Navigates to the category page on the storefront and asserts that the title is correct for page and browser.
- DeleteCategory
- Navigates to the category page and deletes the specified category.
- AdminDeleteCategoryByName
- No description.
- FillNewProductCategory
- Actions to fill out a new category from the product page with specified category and parent category names.
- DeleteMostRecentCategory
- Actions to delete the category last made (the last category on the list).
- CategoryPresent
- Navigates to category page, asserts category is there. Navigates to storefront category page and asserts category is there. This action group will not work categories where name does NOT equal SEO.
- CheckCategoryNameIsRequiredField
- Navigates to category page, attempts to add subcategory without name. Expects required field prompt.
- switchCategoryStoreView
- Navigates to category page, selects a category and changes store view to specified store.
- switchCategoryToAllStoreView
- Navigates to category page, selects a category and changes store view to all stores.
- navigateToCreatedCategory
- Navigates to category page, selects a category by specified category.
- ChangeSeoUrlKey
- Requires navigation to category creation/edit. Updates the Search Engine Optimization.
- ChangeSeoUrlKeyForSubCategory
- Requires navigation to subcategory creation/edit. Updates the Search Engine Optimization.
- OpenCategoryFromCategoryTree
- Navigates to category page, selects a category by specified category. Replicates actionGroup:navigateToCreatedCategory.
- AdminAssignProductToCategory
- Navigates to existing product page. Changes the category and saves the product.
- FillCategoryNameAndUrlKeyAndSave
- Requires navigation to subcategory creation/edit. Fills the name, and sets the Search Engine Optimization for the category.
- AdminCategoryAssignProduct
- Requires navigation to category creation/edit page. Assign products to category - using ‘Products in Category’ tab.
- DeleteDefaultCategoryChildren
- Deletes all children categories of Default Root Category.
- DeleteCategoryActionGroup
- Navigates to the category page and deletes the specified category.
- goToCreateProductPage
- Clicks on the ‘Add Product’ toggle on the Admin Products grid page. Clicks on the provided Product (Type).
- goToProductPageViaID
- Goes to the Product edit page for the provided Product ID.
- fillMainProductForm
- Fills in the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Stock Status, Weight Type and Weight) on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- FillMainProductFormByString
- Fills in the provided Product Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Stock Status and Weight on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- fillMainProductFormNoWeight
- Fills in the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Stock Status and Weight Type) on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- fillProductNameAndSkuInProductForm
- Fills in the provided Product details (Name and SKU) on the Admin Products creation and edit page.
- AdminFillProductCountryOfManufactureActionGroup
- No description.
- checkRequiredFieldsInProductForm
- Validates that the ‘Required Field’ error message is present and correct for the Product Name, SKU and Price fields.
- saveProductForm
- Clicks on the Save button. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- toggleProductEnabled
- Clicks on the Enable Product toggle.
- SaveProductFormNoSuccessCheck
- EXTENDS: saveProductForm. Removes ‘waitProductSaveSuccessMessage’ and ‘seeSaveConfirmation’.
- addProductImage
- Adds the provided Product Image on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- removeProductImage
- Removes a Product Image on the Admin Products creation/edit page.
- RemoveProductImageByName
- Removes a Product Image on the Admin Products creation/edit page by name.
- assertProductImageAdminProductPage
- Validates that the provided Product Image is present and correct.
- assertProductImageNotInAdminProductPage
- Validates that the provided Product Image is NOT present.
- FillAdminSimpleProductForm
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Clicks on Add. Fills the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Category and URL). Clicks on Save. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- AdminCreateSimpleProductWithTextOptionCharLimit
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Clicks on Add. Fills the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Category and URL). Adds a Text Product Option with the provided Char Limits. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- ProductSetWebsite
- Sets the provided Website on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- ProductSetAdvancedPricing
- Sets the provided Advanced Pricing on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- ProductSetAdvancedTierFixedPricing
- No description.
- AssertTextInAdminProductRelatedUpSellCrossSellSection
- Validates that provided Text appears in the provided Element on the Admin Product creation/edit page under ‘Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells’ section.
- addRelatedProductBySku
- Adds the provided Product SKU as a Related Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- addCrossSellProductBySku
- Adds the provided Product SKU as a Cross Sell Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AddSpecialPriceToProductActionGroup
- Sets the provided Special Price on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- SelectProductInWebsitesActionGroup
- Sets the provided Website on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- unassignWebsiteFromProductActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminProductAddSpecialPrice
- Sets the provided Special Price on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Clicks on Save.
- SwitchToTheNewStoreView
- Switches the New Store View.
- createSimpleProductAndAddToWebsite
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Clicks on Add Product. Fills the provided Product Details (Name, SKU, Price, Quantity and Website). Clicks on Save.
- CreatedProductConnectToWebsite
- Clicks on ‘Edit’ for the provided Product. Clicks on the provided Website. Clicks on Save.
- AdminProcessProductWebsitesActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertDiscountsPercentageOfProducts
- Validates that the provided Product Tier Price is present and correct.
- GoToSpecifiedCreateProductPage
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Clicks on the Add Product toggle. Clicks on the provided Product Type.
- GoToProductCatalogPage
- Goes to the Admin Products grid page.
- SetProductUrlKey
- Fills the Product details (URL) for the SEO section.
- SetProductUrlKeyByString
- Fills the Product SEO URL Key.
- SetCategoryByName
- Sets the provided Category Name for a Product on the Product creation/edit page.
- removeCategoryFromProduct
- No description.
- expandAdminProductSection
- Expand the provided Section Selector based on the provided dependant Section Selector.
- navigateToCreatedProductEditPage
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Filters the Product grid based on the provided Product details (SKU). Edits the provided Product. Validates that the Product SKU is present and correct.
- addUpSellProductBySku
- EXTENDS: addRelatedProductBySku. Add the provided Product as an Up Sell Product.
- adminProductAdvancedPricingNewCustomerGroupPrice
- No description.
- AdminSetProductDisabled
- No description.
- AssertWebsiteIsAvailableInProductWebsites
- No description.
- AssertWebsiteIsNotAvailableInProductWebsites
- No description.
- AssertProductIsAssignedToWebsite
- No description.
- AssertProductIsNotAssignedToWebsite
- No description.
- AssertProductNameInProductEditForm
- No description.
- AssertProductDescriptionInProductEditForm
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertActiveProductImage
- No description.
- StorefrontCategoryPageOpenProductActionGroup
- Click on the provided product on category page.
- exportProductsFilterByAttribute
- Filters Products by the provided Attribute. Exports the filtered Products list. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- exportAllProducts
- Exports the unfiltered Products list. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- downloadFileByRowIndex
- Downloads the provided Grid Index on the Exports grid page.
- deleteExportedFile
- Deletes the provided Grid Index on the Exports grid page.
- deleteAllExportedFiles
- No description.
- displayOutOfStockProduct
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Inventory’. Enables ‘Display Out of Stock Products’. Clicks on the Save button.
- noDisplayOutOfStockProduct
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Inventory’. Disables ‘Display Out of Stock Products’. Clicks on the Save button.
- AdminCatalogInventoryChangeManageStockActionGroup
- Opens advanced inventory modal if it has not opened yet. Sets Manage stock value.
- StorefrontCheckProductStockStatus
- No description.
- AdminCatalogInventoryConfigurationMaxQtyAllowedInShoppingCartValidationActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminProductSetMaxQtyAllowedInShoppingCart
- No description.
- AdminProductMaxQtyAllowedInShoppingCartValidationActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteCatalogRuleActionGroup
- Clicks on the Delete button on a Admin Catalog Price Rule edit page. Clicks on Ok. Validates that the provided Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCatalogPriceRuleSelectCustomerGroupsActionGroup
- Fill Catalog Price Rule customer groups multiselect on new/edit page.
- CatalogSelectCustomerGroupActionGroup
- DEPRECATED. Please use AdminCatalogPriceRuleSelectCustomerGroupsActionGroup instead. Selects the provided Customer Group Name on the Admin Catalog Price Rule creation/edit page.
- AssertCatalogRuleInGridActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Catalog Rule Name, Status, Websites and Catalog Rule ID are present in the 1st row of the Admin Catalog Price Rule grid.
- AdminAssertCustomerGroupOnCatalogPriceRuleForm
- No description.
- AdminOpenNewCatalogPriceRuleFormPageActionGroup
- Goes to the create Catalog Price Rule page.
- AdminCatalogPriceRuleFillMainInfoActionGroup
- Fill Catalog Price Rule main info fields: Name, Description, Active (1/0), Priority.
- AdminCatalogPriceRuleSaveAndApplyActionGroup
- Clicks Save and Apply on a Admin Catalog Price Rule creation/edit page. Validates that the Success Message is present. Validates that applied rules success message is present.
- AssertCustomerGroupNotOnCatalogPriceRuleFormActionGroup
- Validate that the provided Customer Group is not present on the Catalog Price Rules creation/edit page.
- AssertCatalogPriceRuleFormActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Catalog Rule, Status, Websites and Customer Group details are present and correct on a Admin Catalog Price Rule creation/edit page.
- newCatalogPriceRuleByUI
- Goes to the Catalog Price Rule grid. Clicks on Add. Fills in the provided Catalog Rule details.
- createCatalogPriceRule
- Clicks on the Add button. Fills Rule Name, Description, Website and Discount Value.
- AdminCreateCatalogPriceRuleWithConditionActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCreateMultipleWebsiteCatalogPriceRule
- No description.
- CreateCatalogPriceRuleViaTheUi
- No description.
- CreateCatalogPriceRuleConditionWithAttribute
- Add Conditional Requirements to a Catalog Price Rule from the creation/edit page.
- applyCatalogPriceRules
- Goes to the Catalog Price Rule grid page. Clicks on Apply Rules. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- newCatalogPriceRuleByUIWithConditionIsSKU
- EXTENDS: newCatalogPriceRuleByUI. Add a Catalog Price Rule Condition based on the provided SKU.
- newCatalogPriceRuleByUIWithConditionIsCategory
- EXTENDS: newCatalogPriceRuleByUI. Add a Catalog Price Rule Condition based on the provided Category ID.
- selectGeneralCustomerGroupActionGroup
- Selects the ‘General’ Customer Group for a Catalog Price Rule on the creation/edit page.
- selectNotLoggedInCustomerGroupActionGroup
- Selects the ‘NOT LOGGED IN’ Customer Group for a Catalog Price Rule on the creation/edit page.
- OpenCatalogPriceRule
- No description.
- RemoveCatalogPriceRule
- No description.
- AdminFillCatalogRuleConditionActionGroup
- Clicks on the Conditions tab. Fills in the provided condition for Catalog Price Rule.
- newCatalogPriceRuleWithInvalidData
- Goes to the Catalog Price Rule grid. Clicks on Add. Fills in the provided Catalog Rule details with invalid data.
- AdminCreateNewCatalogPriceRuleActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Catalog Price Rule creation page. Fills in the provided Catalog Rule details. Selects the provided Customer Group.
- AdminSearchCatalogRuleInGridActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Catalog Price Rules grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Catalog Price Rule name.
- CreateCatalogPriceRuleConditionWithAttributeAndOptionActionGroup
- Adds the provided Attribute Name, Select Value, Index A and Index B details to the ‘Conditions’ section on the Admin Catalog Price Rule creation/edit page.
- AdminSaveAndApplyRulesActionGroup
- DEPRECATED. Please use AdminCatalogPriceRuleSaveAndApplyActionGroup instead. Clicks Save on a Admin Catalog Price Rule creation/edit page. Validates that the Success Message is present. Clicks Apply Rules. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AdminOpenCatalogPriceRulePageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSelectCatalogRuleFromGridActionGroup
- Clicks on the Admin Catalog Price Rule row that contains the provided Catalog Price Rule name.
- SaveAndApplyCatalogPriceRuleActionGroup
- Clicks on Save and Apply. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct on the Admin Catalog Price Rule creation/edit page.
- AdminCatalogPriceRuleAddSkuConditionActionGroup
- Create new product SKU based condition in Catalog Price Rule form.
- AdminCatalogPriceRuleFillActionsActionGroup
- Fill Catalog Price Rule actions fields: Apply, Discount Amount, Discard subsequent rules.
- AdminCatalogPriceRuleDeleteAllActionGroup
- Open Catalog Price Rule grid and delete all rules one by one. Need to avoid interference with other tests that test catalog price rules.
- StorefrontAssertCatalogPriceRuleAppliedToProductOptionActionGroup
- Selects the provided Product Option on a Storefront Product page. Validates the provided Expected Price is present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertUpdatedProductPriceInStorefrontProductPageActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Name and Price are present on a Storefront Product page.
- AssertSearchTermNotOnFrontend
- Goes to the Storefront. Fills the Search field with the provided Search Query. Clicks on Search. Validates that there are no results.
- AssertSearchTermOnFrontend
- Fills the Storefront Search field with the provided Search Query. Clicks on Search. Validates that the URL is correct.
- StorefrontQuickSearchCheckProductNameInGridActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Name appears at the correct index on the Storefront Quick Search page.
- SetMinimalQueryLengthActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Catalog’. Sets the Minimal Query Length. CLicks on the Save button.
- StorefrontFillFormAdvancedSearchWithCustomDropDownAttributeActionGroup
- Fills in the advanced search form and select the attribute.
- AssertSearchTermSaveSuccessMessage
- Goes to the Catalog Search Term grid page. Adds the provided Search Term. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertSearchTermSuccessDeleteMessage
- Goes to the Catalog Search Term grid page. Deletes the provided Search Term. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertSearchTermNotInGrid
- Goes to the Catalog Search Term grid page. Searches for the provided Search Term. Validates that it is NOT present in the grid.
- StorefrontFillFormAdvancedSearchActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontOpenProductFromQuickSearchActionGroup
- Clicks on the provided Product Name from the Storefront Quick Search Results page.
- StorefrontCheckQuickSearchActionGroup
- Submits Form POST for the Storefront Search feature. Validates that the URL is correct. Validates that the Title is present and correct.
- StorefrontCheckQuickSearchStringActionGroup
- Fill the Storefront Search field. Submits the Form. Validates that the provided Search Phrase is present and correct.
- StorefrontQuickSearchTooShortStringActionGroup
- Fill the Storefront Search field. Submits the Form. Validates that ‘Minimum Search query length’ warning appears.
- StorefrontQuickSearchRelatedSearchTermsAppearsActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontOpenProductFromQuickSearch
- Clicks on the provided Product Name from the Storefront Quick Search Results page.
- StorefrontAddToCartFromQuickSearch
- Adds the provided Product Name to the Shopping Cart from the Storefront Quick Search Results page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontQuickSearchCheckProductNameInGrid
- Validates that the provided Product Name appears at the correct index on the Storefront Quick Search page.
- StorefrontQuickSearchSeeProductByName
- No description.
- StorefrontQuickSearchCheckProductNameNotInGrid
- Validates that the provided Product Name does NOT appear on the Storefront Quick Search page.
- StorefrontOpenAdvancedSearchActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Advanced Search’ in the Storefront Footer. Validates that the URL and Title are present and correct.
- StorefrontCheckAdvancedSearchResultActionGroup
- Validates that the URL and Title are present and correct on the Storefront Advanced Search Results page.
- StorefrontSelectSearchFilterCategoryActionGroup
- Clicks on Category Filter. Clicks on the provided Category.
- GoToStoreViewAdvancedCatalogSearchActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront ‘Advanced Search’ page.
- StorefrontAdvancedCatalogSearchByProductNameActionGroup
- Fills the Product Name field on the Storefront ‘Advanced Search’ page. Clicks on the Submit button.
- StorefrontAdvancedCatalogSearchByProductSkuActionGroup
- Fills the Product SKU field on the Storefront ‘Advanced Search’ page. Clicks on the Submit button.
- StorefrontAdvancedCatalogSearchByDescriptionActionGroup
- Fills the Product Description field on the Storefront ‘Advanced Search’ page. Clicks on the Submit button.
- StorefrontAdvancedCatalogSearchByShortDescriptionActionGroup
- Fills the Product Short Description field on the Storefront ‘Advanced Search’ page. Clicks on the Submit button.
- StorefrontAdvancedCatalogSearchByProductNameAndPriceActionGroup
- Fills the Product Name, Price From and Price To fields on the Storefront ‘Advanced Search’ page. Clicks on the Submit button.
- StorefrontAdvancedCatalogSearchByProductNameAndDescriptionActionGroup
- Fills the Product Name and Description fields on the Storefront ‘Advanced Search’ page. Clicks on the Submit button.
- StorefrontCheckSearchIsEmpty
- Validates that the ‘No Results’ message is present and correct on the Storefront Search Results page. PLEASE NOTE: The expected message is Hardcoded.
- StorefrontQuickSearchWithPaginationActionGroup
- Navigate to catalog search page with prepared GET params to get search results with particular page number.
- AdminFillCatalogProductsListWidgetCategoryActionGroup
- Fill catalog products list widget category.
- AdminCreateBlockWithWidget
- Inserts a Widget into a Block on the Block creation/edit page.
- AssertShoppingCartIsEmptyActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Shopping Cart page. Validates that the Empty Shopping Cart message is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The message is Hardcoded.
- StorefrontOpenCartPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAddBundleProductToTheCartActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Customize and Add to Cart’ button on a Storefront Bundled product page. Adds the provided Product Name/Quantity. Clicks on Add to Cart.
- AssertStorefrontEmailNoteMessageOnCheckoutActionGroup
- Validates that the provided ‘Email Address’ message is present on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Email Address’ field.
- StorefrontCheckoutAndAssertOrderSummaryDisplayActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Go To Checkout’ in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart modal. Validates that the provided Items in Cart Text is present and correct on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Summary’ section.
- GuestCheckoutFillNewShippingAddressActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer/Address details in the ‘Shipping Address’ section on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontSelectOptionRadioButtonActionGroup
- DEPRECATED. Please use StorefrontProductPageSelectRadioButtonOptionValueActionGroup instead. Checks the provided Product Option radio button for the provided Product Option Price on a Storefront Product page.
- StorefrontRemoveCartItemActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCheckCartDiscountAndSummaryActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Order Total and Discount Totals are present and correct under the ‘Summary’ section of the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- AssertStorefrontShoppingCartSummaryItemsActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Shopping Cart page. Validates that the provided Subtotal/Total are present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertNoValidationErrorForCheckoutAddressFieldsActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAddProductToCartFromCategoryActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontClickOnMiniCartActionGroup
- Scrolls to the Top of the Page. Clicks on the Mini Shopping Cart icon in the Storefront Header.
- StorefrontCartEstimateShippingAndTaxActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Address details (Country, State and Zip Code) under the ‘Summary’ section on the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- StorefrontCustomerSignInPopUpActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutCartEstimateShippingAndTaxAddressActionGroup
- Check address data in Estimate Shipping And Tax section of shopping cart on storefront
- StorefrontCheckoutCartFillEstimateShippingAndTaxActionGroup
- Fill address data in Estimate Shipping And Tax section of shopping cart on storefront
- StorefrontSelectOptionMultiSelectActionGroup
- Selects the provided Product Option under the provided Product Option Title on a Storefront Product page.
- CheckoutFillEstimateShippingAndTaxActionGroup
- No description.
- LoginAsCustomerOnCheckoutPageActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer (Email and Password) details in the ‘Sign In’ modal on the Storefront Checkout page.
- AssertStorefrontShoppingCartSummaryWithShippingActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AssertStorefrontShoppingCartSummaryItemsActionGroup. Waits for the Storefront Checkout ‘Shipping Methods’ section to appear.
- StorefrontSelectOptionCheckBoxActionGroup
- Checks the provided Product Option Title on a Storefront Product page.
- CheckoutSelectFlatRateShippingMethodActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Flat Rate’ Shipping Method on the Storefront Checkout page.
- GoToCheckoutFromMinicartActionGroup
- Clicks on the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart icon. Clicks on ‘Proceed to Checkout’.
- GoToCheckoutFromCartActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘View and Edit Cart’ link in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart. Validates that the Storefront Shopping Cart URL is present and correct. Clicks on ‘Proceed to Checkout’.
- GuestCheckoutFillingShippingSectionActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer/Address (Including Region) details on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Address’ section. Selects the provided Shipping Method. Clicks on Next. Validates that the URL is present and correct.
- GuestCheckoutFillShippingNoWaitForPaymentActionGroup
- EXTENDS: GuestCheckoutFillingShippingSectionActionGroup. Removed ‘waitForPaymentSectionLoaded’ and ‘assertCheckoutPaymentUrl’.
- GuestCheckoutFillingShippingSectionWithoutRegionActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer/Address (Excluding Region) details on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Address’ section. Selects the provided Shipping Method. Clicks on Next. Validates that the URL is present and correct.
- GuestCheckoutFillingShippingSectionUnavailablePaymentActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer/Address (Including Region) details on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Address’ section. Selects the 1st Shipping Method. Clicks on Next. Validates that the Payment Error Message and URL are present and correct.
- GuestCheckoutWithSpecificCountryOptionForPaymentMethodActionGroup
- EXTENDS: GuestCheckoutFillingShippingSectionUnavailablePaymentActionGroup. Removes ‘checkMessage’. Validates that the provided Payment Method Name is NOT present on the Storefront Checkout page.
- LoggedInUserCheckoutFillingShippingSectionActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer/Address (Including Region) details on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Address’ section. Selects the 1st Shipping Method. Clicks on Next. Validates that the Payment Error Message and URL are present and correct.
- StorefrontCheckoutForwardFromShippingStep
- Clicks next on Checkout Shipping step
- LoggedInUserCheckoutAddNewShippingSectionWithoutRegionActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer/Address (Excluding Region) details on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Address’ section. Selects the 1st Shipping Method. Clicks on Next. Validates that the Payment Error Message and URL are present and correct.
- PlaceOrderWithLoggedUserActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Proceed to Checkout’ on the Storefront Shopping Cart page. Selects the provided Shipping Method. Clicks on Next. Clicks on Place Order. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- CheckProductInCheckoutCartItemsActionGroup
- Validates the provided Product appears in the Storefront Checkout ‘Order Summary’ section.
- CheckOrderSummaryInCheckoutActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Subtotal, Shipping Total, Shipping Method and Total are present and correct on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Order Summary’ section.
- CheckTotalsSortOrderInSummarySection
- Validates that the provided Element Name appears at the provided Position in the Storefront Checkout ‘Order Summary’ section.
- CheckShipToInformationInCheckoutActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer and Address details are present and correct on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Ship To’ section.
- CheckShippingMethodInCheckoutActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Shipping Method Name is present on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Method’ section.
- CheckoutSelectCheckMoneyOrderPaymentActionGroup
- Selects the ‘Check / Money Order’ Payment Method on the Storefront Checkout page.
- CheckSelectedShippingAddressInCheckoutActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer and Address details are listed on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Address’ section when multiple Addresses are present for a Customer.
- CheckBillingAddressInCheckoutActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer and Address details are present on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Payment Method’ section.
- CheckBillingAddressInCheckoutWithBillingAddressOnPaymentPageActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer and Address details appear on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Billing Address’ section.
- CheckoutPlaceOrderActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Place Order’. Validates that the provided Order ID and Email You messages are present and correct.
- VerifyTopDestinationsCountry
- Validates that the provided Country is listed at the provided Index in ‘Country’ drop down menu on the Storefront Shopping Cart page under the ‘Summary’ section.
- StorefrontSignOutActionGroup
- Clicks on the Customer Account link. Clicks on ‘Sign Out’. Validates that the Signed Out message is present and correct.
- ClickPlaceOrderActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Place Order’ button. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertThatShippingAndBillingAddressTheSame
- Validates that the Shipping and Billing Addresses are the same.
- StorefrontFillEmailFieldOnCheckoutActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Email Address on the Storefront Checkout page. Double clicks on the Email tooltip.
- AssertStorefrontShippingLabelDescriptionInOrderSummaryActionGroup
- Validates that the Shipping label description is present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertCartEstimateShippingAndTaxActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer details (Country, State and Zip Code) are present and correct in the ‘Estimate Shipping and Tax’ section on the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- StorefrontCheckoutCheckOutOfStockProductActionGroup
- Validates that the ‘Out of Stock’ Error Message is present and correct on the Storefront Checkout page for the provided Product.
- StorefrontFillOptionTextAreaActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Option Title with the provided Value on a Storefront product page.
- VerifyCheckoutPaymentOrderSummaryActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Subtotal, Shipping Total and Summary Total prices are present and correct on the Storefront Checkout page.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutPaymentSummarySubtotalActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutPaymentSummaryTotalActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutPaymentSummaryTotalMissingActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAddCategoryProductToCartActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product to the Cart from a Storefront Category page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. Validates that the Mini Shopping Cart contains the provided Product Count.
- StorefrontAddCategoryProductToCartWithQuantityActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product to the Cart from a Storefront Category page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. Updates the Product Quantity using the provided Product Quantity. Validates that the provided Quantity is present and correct in the Mini Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontAddProductToCartActionGroup
- Clicks on Add to Cart on a Storefront Product page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. Validates that the provided Product Count is present and correct in the Mini Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontOpenMinicartAndCheckSimpleProductActionGroup
- Clicks on the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart icon. Validates that the provided Product is present and correct in the Mini Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontCheckCartSimpleProductActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product details (Name and Price) are present and correct in the Mini Shopping Cart. Validates that the provided Product Quantity is present and correct in the Mini Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontCheckCartActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Shopping Cart page. Validates that the provided Subtotal, Shipping, Shipping Method and Total are present and correct.
- StorefrontOpenCartFromMinicartActionGroup
- Clicks on the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart icon. Click on ‘View and Edit Cart’.
- changeSummaryQuoteAddress
- Fills in the provided Address details (Country, State and Zip Code) under the ‘Summary’ section on the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- StorefrontCheckCartTotalWithDiscountCategoryActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontCheckCartActionGroup. Validates that the provided Discount is present in the Storefront Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontRegisterCustomerAfterCheckoutActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertCartShippingMethodSelectedActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Shipping Method Carrier/Method Code is checked on the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- AssertAdminEmailValidationMessageOnCheckoutActionGroup
- No description.
- CustomerCheckoutFillNewShippingAddressActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Address details in the ‘Shipping Address’ section on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontAddToTheCartActionGroup
- Scrolls to the Add To Cart button. Clicks on Add To Cart.
- StorefrontAddProductWithSelectedConfigurableOptionToCartActionGroup
- Selects the provided Product Option in the drop down on a Storefront Configurable product page. Clicks on Add to Cart. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertCheckoutShippingMethodSelectedActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Shipping Method is checked on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontAddProductWithSelectedConfigurableAndCustomOptionsToCartActionGroup
- Selects the provided Customizable Option in the Product Options drop down on a Storefront Configurable product page. Clicks on Add to Cart. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertStorefrontOrderCannotBePlacedActionGroup
- Validates order cannot be placed and checks error message.
- GuestCheckoutFillNewBillingAddressActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer and Address details on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontCheckoutFillNewBillingAddressActionGroup
- No description.
- LoggedInCheckoutFillNewBillingAddressActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Address details on the Storefront Checkout Address sections based on the provided Class Prefix (i.e. ‘._show’, ‘[aria-hidden=false]’).
- LoggedInCheckoutWithOneAddressFieldWithoutStateField
- EXTENDS: LoggedInCheckoutFillNewBillingAddressActionGroup. Removes ‘fillStreetAddress2’ and ‘selectState’.
- clearCheckoutAddressPopupFieldsActionGroup
- Clears the fields for the Customer/Address fields on the Storefront Checkout Address sections based on the provided Class Prefix (i.e. ‘._show’, ‘[aria-hidden=false]’).
- GuestCheckoutSelectPaymentAndFillNewBillingAddressActionGroup
- EXTENDS: GuestCheckoutFillNewBillingAddressActionGroup. Clicks on the provided Payment Method on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontAssertCheckoutEstimateShippingInformationActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer details (Country, State and Zip Code) are present and correct on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontCheckThatCartIsEmptyActionGroup
- Clicks on the Mini Shopping Cart icon in the Storefront Header. Validates that the ‘Empty Cart’ message is present and correct.
- StorefrontFillOptionFieldInputActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Option Title with the provided Value on a Storefront product page.
- AssertStorefrontMiniCartSubtotalActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertGuestShippingInfoActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer details are present and correct in the ‘Shipping Address’ section on the Storefront Check page.
- clickViewAndEditCartFromMiniCart
- Clicks on the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart icon. Clicks on the ‘View and Edit Cart’ link. Validates that the URL is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The URL is Hardcoded.
- assertOneProductNameInMiniCart
- Validates that the provided Product Name is present in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart.
- removeProductFromMiniCart
- Removed the provided Product from the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart.
- assertMiniCartEmpty
- Validates that the provided Product Count appears in the Storefront Header next to the Shopping Cart icon. Clicks on the Mini Shopping Cart icon. Validates that the ‘No Items’ message is present and correct in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontAssertShippingAddressPageDisplayActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Checkout page. Validates that the ‘Shipping Address’ Title and Main Area are present.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutCartItemsActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product details (Name, SKU, Price, Subtotal and Quantity) are present and correct on the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- StorefrontCheckoutClickNextOnShippingStepActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontElementInvisibleActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontSelectOptionTimeActionGroup
- Selects the provided Hour, Minute and Part of Day under the provided Product Option Title on a Storefront Product page.
- StorefrontUpdateProductQtyMiniShoppingCartActionGroup
- Clicks on the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart icon in the Header. Fills in the provided Quantity for the provided Product in the Mini Shopping Cart. Clicks on Update.
- AdminCheckoutSelectCheckMoneyOrderBillingMethodActionGroup
- Selects the Billing Method ‘Check / Money order’ on the Admin ‘Create New Order for’ page.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutSuccessActionGroup
- Verifies if the order is placed successfully on the ‘one page checkout’ page.
- StorefrontOpenOrderFromSuccessPageActionGroup
- Click order number link from checkout success page and check order number on order view page.
- StorefrontSelectOptionDropDownActionGroup
- DEPRECATED. Please use StorefrontProductPageSelectDropDownOptionValueActionGroup instead. Selects the provided Product Option Value under the provided Product Option Title on a Storefront Product page.
- DeleteProductFromShoppingCartActionGroup
- Removes the provided Product Name from the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontAttachOptionFileActionGroup
- Attaches the provided File to the provided Product Option on a Storefront Product page.
- AssertToolbarTextIsVisibleInCartActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontOrderIsNotPlacedActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontSeeElementActionGroup
- Scrolls to the provided Selector. Validates that the provided Selector is present.
- StorefrontAssertProductDetailsInOrderSummaryActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Name, Quantity and Price are present in the ‘Order Summary’ section on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontOpenMiniCartActionGroup
- Clicks on the Mini Shopping Cart icon in the Storefront Header.
- AssertStorefrontNotCalculatedValueInShippingTotalInOrderSummaryActionGroup
- Validates value of the Shipping total is not calculated.
- AssertStorefrontEmailTooltipContentOnCheckoutActionGroup
- Clicks on the Email Address tooltip. Validates that the provided Message appears in the Email Address Tooltip.
- StorefrontOpenCheckoutPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Checkout page.
- ClearShippingAddressActionGroup
- Clears all of the fields for the Shipping Address section on the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontAssertMiniCartItemCountActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Count appears in the Storefront Header next to the Shopping Cart icon. Validates that the provided Product Count Text appears in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart.
- FillGuestCheckoutShippingAddressFormActionGroup
- No description.
- FillGuestCheckoutShippingAddressWithCountryActionGroup
- No description.
- FillShippingAddressOneStreetActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Address details in the ‘Shipping Address’ (Fills in Street Address 1 only) section of the Storefront Checkout page.
- LoginAsCustomerUsingSignInLinkActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Sign In’ on the Storefront Checkout page. Fills in the provided Customer details (Email and Password). Clicks on Sign In.
- FillNewShippingAddressModalActionGroup
- EXTENDS: FillShippingAddressOneStreetActionGroup. Selects the provided State in the ‘Shipping Address’ section of the Storefront Checkout page.
- StorefrontSelectOptionDateTimeActionGroup
- Selects the provided Month, Day, Year, Hour, Minute and Part of Day for the provided Product Option on a Storefront product page.
- StorefrontAssertShippingMethodPresentInCartActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Shipping Method Name is present in the ‘Summary’ section of the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- AssertStorefrontEmailValidationMessageOnCheckoutActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Error Message appears on the Storefront Checkout page after an invalid Email Addressed is inputted.
- OpenStoreFrontCheckoutShippingPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontFillGuestShippingInfoActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer details on the Storefront Checkout page under the ‘Shipping Address’ section.
- ShipmentFormFreeShippingActionGroup
- Fills in the Customer details for the ‘Shipping Address’ section of the Storefront Checkout page. Selects ‘Free Shipping’. Clicks on Next. Validates that the URL is present and correct.
- StorefrontCheckoutCheckProductActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product and Cart Item are present and correct on the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- FillShippingZipForm
- Fills in the provided Address details (Country, State and Zip Code) in the ‘Estimate Shipping and Tax’ section of the Storefront Shopping Cart page.
- StorefrontAddSimpleProductToCartActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product to the Storefront Shopping Cart from a Storefront Category page. Validates that the provided Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontSelectOptionDateActionGroup
- Selects the provided Month, Day and Year for the provided Product Option on a Storefront Product page.
- StorefrontAssertShippingMethodOptionPresentInCartActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertMiniShoppingCartSubTotalActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Subtotal (Price and Store Currency) is present and correct.
- AssertPagerTextIsNotVisibleActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontEnterProductQuantityAndAddToTheCartActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Product Quantity on a Storefront Bundled product page. Clicks on Add to Cart.
- AssertStorefrontMiniCartItemsActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product details (Name, Price, Subtotal and Quantity) are present and correct in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart.
- AssertStorefrontMiniCartProductDetailsAbsentActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product details (Name, Price) are not present in the Storefront Mini Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontAddSimpleProductToShoppingCartActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontElementVisibleActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Selector contains the provided Value on a Storefront page.
- AssignBlockToCMSPage
- Goes to the Admin Pages grid page. Adds a Block to a CMS Page. Clicks on Save.
- AddStoreViewToCmsPageActionGroup
- EXTENDS: navigateToCreatedCMSPage. Adds the provided Store View to a Page.
- SaveAndCloseCMSBlockWithSplitButtonActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save and Close button.
- AdminCreateStoreViewActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Store View creation page. Fills in the provided Store View and Store details. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- FillOutUploadImagePopupActionGroup
- Fills in the Image Description and Height fields. PLEASE NOTE: The values are Hardcoded using ‘ImageUpload’.
- AdminCMSPageMassActionSelectActionGroup
- Selects the provided Action in the ‘Mass Action’ drop down menu on the Admin Pages grid.
- AttachImageActionGroup
- Uploads the provided Image to Media Gallery. If you use this action group, you MUST add steps to delete the image in the ‘after’ steps.
- SaveCMSBlockActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save button. Validates that the Save message is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The message is Hardcoded.
- AssertCMSPageNotFoundOnStorefrontActionGroup
- Validates that the ‘Whoops, our bad’ error message is present and correct for a Storefront CMS Page that doesn’t exist.
- FillOutCMSPageContent
- Fills out the Page details (Page Title, Content and URL Key) on the Admin Page creation/edit page. PLEASE NOTE: The values are Hardcoded using ‘_duplicatedCMSPage’.
- AdminOpenCmsBlockActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertCMSPageContent
- Validates that the CMS Page details are present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The CMS Page data is Hardcoded, using ‘_duplicatedCMSPage’.
- AssertStoreFrontCMSPage
- Validates that the provided CMS Page Title, Content and Heading are present and correct on a Storefront CMS Page.
- CreateNewPageWithWidget
- Goes to Admin CMS Page creation page. Adds the provided Title, Category, Conditions and Widget. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- NavigateToStorefrontForCreatedPageActionGroup
- Goes to the provided Page on the Storefront.
- AdminOpenCmsBlockActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertCMSPageInGridActionGroup
- Validates that the provided CMS Page is present in the Admin Pages grid.
- AdminSelectCMSPageInGridActionGroup
- Checks the Row for the provided Identifier on the Admin Pages grid page.
- AdminEditCMSPageContentActionGroup
- No description.
- FillOutBlockContent
- Fills in the Block Title, Identifier, Store View and Content. PLEASE NOTE: The values are Hardcoded using ‘_defaultBlock’.
- SetLayoutActionGroup
- Sets the provided option for ‘Layout’, under ‘Design’ on the Page creation/edit page.
- NavigateToCreatedCMSPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin CMS Pages page.
- SaveImageActionGroup
- Clicks on Insert File in the Media Gallery.
- DeletePageByUrlKeyActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin CMS Pages page. Deletes a Page based on the provided URL Key. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- VerifyMediaGalleryStorageActionsActionGroup
- Validates that the Media Gallery ‘Cancel’/’Create Folder’ buttons are present.
- VerifyTinyMCEActionGroup
- Goes to Admin CMS Page creation page. Validates that all of the Tiny MCE buttons are present.
- VerifyMagentoEntityActionGroup
- Validates that the Insert Widget and Insert Variables buttons are present.
- clickBrowseBtnOnUploadPopup
- Clicks on the Browse button in the ‘Insert/edit image’ model.
- VerifyMediaGalleryStorageActions
- Validates that the Media Gallery ‘Cancel’/’Create Folder’ buttons are present.
- CreateImageFolder
- Creates a folder in the Media Gallery based on the provided Folder.
- attachImage
- Uploads the provided Image to Media Gallery. If you use this action group, you MUST add steps to delete the image in the ‘after’ steps.
- deleteImage
- Deletes the selected Image from the Media Gallery.
- saveImage
- Clicks on Insert File in the Media Gallery.
- fillOutUploadImagePopup
- Fills in the Image Description and Height fields. PLEASE NOTE: The values are Hardcoded using ‘ImageUpload’.
- verifyOversizeValidationMsg
- Validates that the Oversize validation message is present and correct.
- verifyWrongExtensionValidationMsg
- Validates that the Wrong Extensions validation message is present and correct.
- AdminOpenCmsPageActionGroup
- No description.
- ClickBrowseBtnOnUploadPopupActionGroup
- Clicks on the Browse button in the ‘Insert/edit image’ model.
- NavigateToMediaFolderActionGroup
- Clicks on the provided Folder Name in the Storage folder tree.
- AdminOpenCMSPagesGridActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Pages grid page.
- ClearWidgetsFromCMSContent
- Goes to the Admin CMS Page Edit page for the Page ID number 2. Clears the Widget and replaces it with Text. PLEASE NOTE: The Page ID/Text are Hardcoded.
- ClearWidgetsForCMSHomePageContentWYSIWYGDisabled
- No description.
- searchBlockOnGridPage
- Searches the Admin CMS Blocks grid based on the provided Block.
- deleteBlock
- Goes to the Admin CMS Blocks page. Filters the grid based on the provided Block. Deletes the Block via the grid.
- CreateImageFolderActionGroup
- Creates a folder in the Media Gallery based on the provided Folder.
- AdminInsertWidgetToCmsPageContentActionGroup
- Insert widget to CMS Page content field. You are on CMS edit page, content tab is expanded.
- DeleteImageFromStorageActionGroup
- Deletes the provided Image from Storage.
- AdminClickInsertWidgetActionGroup
- Click ‘Insert Widget’ button in the opened widget popup
- SaveCmsPageActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save button. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- navigateToCreatedCMSPage
- Goes to the Admin CMS Pages page.
- navigateToCreatedCMSBlockPage
- Goes to the Admin Blocks page. Clicks on ‘Edit’ for the provided Block.
- DeleteCMSBlockActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin CMS Blocks page. Deletes the ‘_defaultBlock’ Block. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The Block that is deleted it Hardcoded.
- AddStoreViewToCmsPage
- EXTENDS: navigateToCreatedCMSPage. Adds the provided Store View to a Page.
- saveAndCloseCMSBlockWithSplitButton
- Clicks on the Save and Close button.
- navigateToStorefrontForCreatedPage
- Goes to the provided Page on the Storefront.
- saveCMSBlock
- Clicks on the Save button. Validates that the Save message is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The message is Hardcoded.
- saveAndContinueEditCmsPage
- Clicks on the Save and Continue button.
- saveCmsPage
- Clicks on the Save button. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- setLayout
- Sets the provided option for ‘Layout’, under ‘Design’ on the Page creation/edit page.
- AdminAddImageToCMSBlockContent
- No description.
- SaveAndContinueEditCmsPageActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save and Continue button.
- StorefrontGoToCMSPageActionGroup
- Goes to the provided Storefront CMS Page.
- AdminInsertRecentlyViewedWidgetActionGroup
- No description.
- CreateNewPageWithAllValues
- Goes to the Admin CMS creation page. Fills in the provided Page details (Title, Heading, URL, Store View and Hierarchy).
- CreateNewPageWithAllValuesAndContent
- No description.
- RestoreLayoutSetting
- Sets the ‘Default Page Layout’ to ‘1 column’. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- NavigateToCreatedCMSBlockPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Blocks page. Clicks on ‘Edit’ for the provided Block.
- AssertBlockContent
- Validates that the Block details are present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The Block data is Hardcoded, using ‘_defaultBlock’.
- NavigateToAdminContentManagementPageActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Content Management’.
- AdminOpenStoreConfigPageActionGroup
- Go to admin store configuration page.
- AdminExpandConfigTabActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page and expands main level configuration tab passed via argument as Tab Name.
- SwitchToVersion4ActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Content Management’. Sets the ‘WYSIWYG Editor’ to ‘TinyMCE 4’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- AdminOpenConfigNavItemActionGroup
- Clicks on config nav item selected by passed argument.
- ResetSearchEngineConfigurationActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Catalog’. Sets the ‘Search Engine’ to ‘mysql’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- AdminOpenStoreConfigDeveloperPageActionGroup
- Go to admin store configuration developer page.
- ConfigAdminAccountSharingActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Admin’. Enables ‘Admin Account Sharing’. Clicks on the Save button.
- EnableAdminAccountSharingActionGroup
- Enabled ‘Admin Account Sharing’ via the API.
- DisableAdminAccountSharingActionGroup
- Disables ‘Admin Account Sharing’ via the API.
- EnabledWYSIWYG
- Enables the WYSIWYG Editor via the CLI.
- SwitchToTinyMCE3
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Content Management’. Sets ‘WYSIWYG Editor’ to ‘TinyMCE 3’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- DisabledWYSIWYG
- Disables the WYSIWYG Editor via the CLI.
- UseStaticURLForMediaContentInWYSIWYG
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Content Management’. Sets ‘Use Static URLs for Media Content in WYSIWYG’ to the provided value. Clicks on the Save button.
- EnabledWYSIWYGEditor
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Content Management’. Sets ‘Enable WYSIWYG Editor’ to ‘Enabled by Default’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- ChooseElasticSearchAsSearchEngine
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Catalog’. Sets the ‘Search Engine’ to ‘elasticsearch5’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- ResetSearchEngineConfiguration
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Catalog’. Sets the ‘Search Engine’ to ‘mysql’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- NavigateToDefaultLayoutsSetting
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Web’. Expands the ‘Default Layouts’ section.
- NavigateToConfigurationGeneralPage
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘General’.
- SelectTopDestinationsCountry
- Selects the provided Countries under ‘Top destinations’ on the ‘General’ section of the ‘Configuration’ page. Clicks on the Save button.
- UnSelectTopDestinationsCountry
- Un-selects the provided Countries under ‘Top destinations’ on the ‘General’ section of the ‘Configuration’ page. Clicks on the Save button.
- SelectCountriesWithRequiredRegion
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘General’. Selects the provided Countries under ‘State is Required for’. Clicks on the Save button.
- AdminExpandSecurityTabActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSaveConfigActionGroup
- No description.
- EnabledWYSIWYGActionGroup
- Enables the WYSIWYG Editor via the CLI.
- DisabledWYSIWYGActionGroup
- Disables the WYSIWYG Editor via the CLI.
- EnableWebUrlOptions
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Url Options’. Enables ‘Add Store Code to Urls’. Clicks on the Save button.
- ResetWebUrlOptions
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Url Options’. Disables ‘Add Store Code to Urls’. Clicks on the Save button.
- SetGroupForValidVATIdIntraUnionActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Customer Configuration’. Sets the ‘Group For Valid VAT ID Intra Union’ option. Clicks on the Save button. Validates the Save message is present.
- AdminOpenConfigAdminPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSetMaximumLoginFailuresToLockoutAccountActionGroup
- No description.
- RestoreLayoutSetting
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Web’. Clicks on the Save button.
- SetTaxClassForShipping
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Tax’. Sets ‘Tax Class for Shipping’ to ‘Taxable Goods’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- ResetTaxClassForShipping
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Tax’. Sets ‘Tax Class for Shipping’ to ‘None’. Clicks on the Save button. PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- SetTaxApplyOnSetting
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Tax’. Sets ‘Apply Tax On’ to the provided value. Clicks on the Save button
- DisableTaxApplyOnOriginalPrice
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Tax’. Sets ‘Apply Tax On’ to the provided value. Clicks on the Save button.
- AdminSelectAttributeInConfigurableAttributesGrid
- EXTENDS: AdminFilterAttributeInConfigurableAttributesGrid. Select first filtered attribute.
- SaveConfigurableProductActionGroup
- Save configurable product
- GotoCatalogProductsPage
- Goes to the Admin Products grid via the Admin Side Menu.
- GotoConfigurableProductPage
- Clicks on create Configurable Product from the Admin Products grid page.
- FillAllRequiredFields
- Fills the Product Name, Price and Weight fields. Clicks on ‘Create Configurations’. Clicks on ‘Create New Attribute’.
- CreateNewAttribute
- Creates a new Product Attribute via the Admin Products creation/edit page. PLEASE NOTE: The Product Attributes are Hardcoded.
- DeleteCreatedAttribute
- Deletes the Configurable Product Attribute.
- AdminChangeConfigurableProductVariationQty
- Change quantity value for configurable product generated variation
- AdminFilterAttributeInConfigurableAttributesGrid
- Filter attribute in configurable attributes grid by attribute code value
- StorefrontCheckConfigurableProduct
- Goes to the provided Storefront Product page. Validates that the Product details are present and correct.
- VerifyOptionInProductStorefront
- Validates that the provided Option Code and Option Name are present and correct on a Configurable Product page.
- SelectSingleAttributeAndAddToCart
- Selects a Product Option. Clicks ‘Add to Cart’. Validates that the Product Added Success message appears.
- storefrontCheckConfigurableProductOptions
- Validates that the Options for a Configurable Product are present and correct.
- assertOptionImageInStorefrontProductPage
- Validates that the provided Product Image is present when the provided Product Option is selected.
- AssertOptionImageAndPriceInStorefrontProductActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Image and Price are present when the provided Product Option is selected.
- assertConfigurableProductWithSpecialPriceOnStorefrontProductPage
- Validates that Special Price for a Configurable Product is present and correct when the provided Product Option is selected.
- VerifyProductTypeOrder
- Validates that the ‘Configurable Product’ option is present in the ‘Add Product’ dropdown menu on the Products grid page.
- CheckConfigurableProductInCheckoutCartItemsActionGroup
- Validates that the Configurable Product is present and correct in the Cart area on the Checkout page.
- StorefrontCheckCartConfigurableProductActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Option Price and Option Quantity is present and correct in the Mini Shopping Cart on the Storefront.
- StorefrontOpenMinicartAndCheckConfigurableProductActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Option Price is present and correct in the Mini Shopping Cart on the Storefront.
- StorefrontCheckCompareConfigurableProductActionGroup
- Validates that the Configurable Product is present and correct in the Compare Product area.
- CreateConfigurableProductWithAttributeSet
- Admin edit created product as configurable. Choose created options
- AdminCreateConfigurationsForAttribute
- EXTENDS: generateConfigurationsByAttributeCode. Click to apply single price to all Skus. Enter Attribute price
- AdminCreateConfigurableProductWithAttributeUncheckOption
- EXTENDS: generateConfigurationsByAttributeCode. Click to uncheck created option. Enter Attribute price
- viewConfigurableProductInAdminGrid
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Validates the provided Configurable Product is present and correct in the grid.
- createConfigurableProduct
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Creates a Configurable Product using the default Product Options.
- createConfigurableProductWithTwoAttributes
- Goes to the Admin Product grid page. Creates a Configurable Product with 2 product attributes.
- saveConfigurableProduct
- Save configurable product
- generateConfigurationsByAttributeCode
- Generates the Product Configurations for the provided Attribute Code on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- createOptionsForAttribute
- No description.
- createConfigurationsForAttribute
- EXTENDS: generateConfigurationsByAttributeCode. Clicks on the Save button. Clicks on the Confirm button.
- createConfigurationsForAttributeWithImages
- EXTENDS: generateConfigurationsByAttributeCode. Adds the provided Attribute Image to the provided Attribute Code.
- createConfigurationsForTwoAttribute
- EXTENDS: generateConfigurationsByAttributeCode. Generates the Product Configurations for the 2 provided Attribute Codes on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- saveConfiguredProduct
- Save the Configurable Product on the Configurable Product creation/edit page. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- GenerateAndSaveConfiguredProductAfterSettingOptions
- No description.
- addNewProductConfigurationAttribute
- Generates the Product Configurations for the 2 provided Attribute Names on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- selectCreatedAttributeAndCreateTwoOptions
- No description.
- changeProductConfigurationsInGrid
- Edit the Product Configuration via the Admin Product grid page.
- changeConfigurableProductChildProductPrice
- Change the price of a configurable child product in the grid under configurations.
- changeProductConfigurationsInGridExceptSku
- EXTENDS: changeProductConfigurationsInGrid. Removes ‘fillFieldSkuForFirstAttributeOption’ and ‘fillFieldSkuForSecondAttributeOption’.
- addProductToConfigurationsGrid
- Adds the provided Product SKU to the provided Product Name.
- addUniqueImageToConfigurableProductOption
- Adds the provided Image to a Configurable Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- addUniquePriceToConfigurableProductOption
- On the ‘Step 3: Bulk Images, Price and Quantity’ page of the ‘Create Product Configurations’ model click on ‘Apply unique prices…’. Select provided Option. Fill price.
- addUniqueQuantityToConfigurableProductOption
- No description.
- saveConfigurableProductWithNewAttributeSet
- Clicks on ‘Save’. Clicks radio for ‘…new Attribute Set…’ in the ‘Choose Affected Attribute Set’ modal. Clicks on ‘Confirm’ in the model on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- saveConfigurableProductAddToCurrentAttributeSet
- Clicks on ‘Save’. Clicks on ‘Confirm’ in the ‘Choose Affected Attribute Set’ model on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- assertConfigurableProductOnAdminProductPage
- Validates that the provided Configurable Product Name, SKU and Price are present and correct on the Configurable Product creation/edit page. PLEASE NOTE: The Product Data is Hardcoded.
- AdminConfigurableWizardMoveToNextStepActionGroup
- Click on the ‘Next’ button in the ‘Create Product Configurations’ panel on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- AdminConfigurableProductDisableConfigurationsActionGroup
- No description.
- StartCreateConfigurationsForAttribute
- No description.
- AdminOrderConfigureConfigurableProduct
- No description.
- SaveConfigurableProductAddToCurrentAttributeSetActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Save’. Clicks on ‘Confirm’ in the ‘Choose Affected Attribute Set’ model on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- StorefrontAddConfigurableProductToTheCartActionGroup
- Goes to the provided Storefront URL. Selects the provided Product Option under the Product Attribute. Fills in the provided Quantity. Clicks Add to Cart. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- addOptionsToAttributeActionGroup
- Adds 5 provided Options to a new Attribute on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- StorefrontCheckCategoryConfigurableProduct
- Validates that the provided Configurable Product is present and correct on a Category page.
- StorefrontCheckCategoryOutOfStockConfigurableProduct
- Validates that the provided Configurable Product is present and correct on a Category page.
- CreateApiConfigurableProductWithDescriptionActionGroup
- Creates a Configurable Product with Description and 2 Product Options via API.
- SaveConfiguredProductActionGroup
- Save the Configurable Product on the Configurable Product creation/edit page. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- StorefrontCheckCategoryConfigurableProductWithUpdatedPriceActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Product Name and Price for a Configurable Product are present on a Storefront Category page.
- SaveConfigurableProductWithNewAttributeSetActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Save’. Clicks radio for ‘…new Attribute Set…’ in the ‘Choose Affected Attribute Set’ modal. Clicks on ‘Confirm’ in the model on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- AdminCreateApiConfigurableProductActionGroup
- Creates a Configurable Product with 2 Product Options via the API.
- AdminCreateApiConfigurableProductWithHiddenChildActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateApiConfigurableProductActionGroup. Adds 2 Hidden Product Options.
- SelectStorefrontSideBarAttributeOption
- Goes to the provided Storefront Category page. Validates that the provided Attribute Label is present and correct.
- GenerateConfigurationsByAttributeCodeActionGroup
- Generates the Product Configurations for the provided Attribute Code on the Configurable Product creation/edit page.
- StorefrontOpenContactUsPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront ‘Contact Us’ page.
- StorefrontFillContactUsFormActionGroup
- Fills Name, Email and Comment on the Storefront ‘Contact Us’ page.
- StorefrontSubmitContactUsFormActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Submit’ button on the Storefront ‘Contact Us’ page.
- AssertMessageContactUsFormActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Message appears in the correct Message Type on the Storefront ‘Contact Us’ page.
- AdminImportCurrencyRatesActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSaveCurrencyRatesActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSetCurrencyRatesActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontSwitchCurrencyActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontSwitchCurrency
- No description.
- AdminSetBaseCurrencyActionGroup
- No description.
- OpenMyAccountPageActionGroup
- Clicks on the Storefront Customer menu in the Header. Clicks on ‘My Account’.
- AdminAssertCustomerInCustomersGrid
- Validates that the provided Customer is present and correct in the Backend Customer grid page.
- StorefrontAssertSuccessLoginToStorefront
- EXTENDS: LoginToStorefrontActionGroup. Validates that the provided Customer name is present and correct.
- AdminAssertCustomerGroupOnCustomerForm
- No description.
- AssertCustomerResetPasswordActionGroup
- Validates that the provided URL is present and correct. Validates that the provided Message/Message Type is present and correct.
- AdminUpdateCustomerGroupByEmailActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Customers grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Email Address. Edits the Customer. Updates the Customer Group with the provided Customer Group. Clicks on Save.
- AdminDeleteCustomerGroupActionGroup
- Goes to the Customer Groups grid page. Filter results based on provided Customer Group Name. Delete Customer from grid page.
- AssertStorefrontPasswordAutoCompleteOffActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Sign-In page. Validates that the Password field does NOT contain the ‘autocomplete’ attribute.
- StorefrontFillCustomerAccountCreationFormActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer details on the Storefront Customer creation page.
- AdminFilterCustomerGridByEmail
- Filters the Admin Customers grid by the provided Email Address.
- FillNewCustomerAddressRequiredFieldsActionGroup
- No description.
- LoginToStorefrontActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Sign In page. Logs in using the provided Customer.
- AssertMessageCustomerCreateAccountActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Message/Message Type are present and correct.
- AssertCustomerAccountPageTitleActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Page Title is present and correct on the Storefront Customer Dashboard.
- StorefrontCustomerChangeEmailActionGroup
- Change the Customer Email Address for a Customer Account via the Storefront Customer Dashboard page.
- VerifyCustomerGroupForCustomer
- Clicks on the Edit link for the provided Customer Email Address.
- StorefrontCustomerLogoutActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Logout page.
- StorefrontSignOutActionGroup
- Clicks on Customer Account. Clicks on ‘Sign-Out’. Validates that the success message is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The Success Message is hardcoded.
- AdminResetFilterInCustomerAddressGrid
- Clears the Admin Customer Address grid Filters. Sets the grid view to ‘Default View’.
- AssertAdminCustomerGenderInCustomersGridActionGroup
- Assert customer ‘Gender’ attribute value on customer grid page
- SetCustomerGroupForSelectedCustomersViaGrid
- Clicks on the ‘Actions’ dropdown menu. Clicks on ‘Assign a Customer Group’. Clicks on ‘Ok’.
- AdminAssertNumberOfRecordsInCustomersAddressGrid
- Validates that the Number of Records listed on the Customer grid page is present and correct.
- StorefrontFillCustomerLoginFormActionGroup
- Fills Storefront Customer Login Email Address. Fills Storefront Customer Login Password.
- AdminDeleteAddressInCustomersAddressGrid
- Deletes a Customer Address from the Customer creation/edit page under the ‘Addresses’ section.
- StorefrontCustomerAddressBookNotContains
- Validate that the provided Address does NOT appear in the Storefront Customer Address list.
- AdminAssertCustomerNoDefaultShippingAddress
- Validates that a Customer does NOT have a Default Shipping Address assigned. PLEASE NOTE: The error message is hardcoded.
- AssertCustomerGroupOnCustomerFormActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer Group is selected on the Admin Customer edit page.
- AssertStorefrontCustomerSavedCardActionGroup
- No description.
- DeleteCustomerActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Customers grid page. Deletes a Customer based on the provided Last Name.
- DeleteCustomerByEmailActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Customers grid page. Deletes a Customer based on the provided Email Address.
- StorefrontAddNewCustomerAddressActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Add New Address page. Fills in the provided Address details. Clicks on Save.
- StorefrontAddCustomerDefaultAddressActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Add New Default Address page. Fills in the provided Address details. Clicks on Save.
- OpenStorefrontCustomerStoredPaymentMethodsPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminEditCustomerAddressNoZipNoState
- EXTENDS: AdminEditCustomerAddressesFrom. Removes ‘selectState’ and ‘fillZipCode’. Clicks on ‘Set Default’ for Billing/Shipping.
- EditCustomerAddressesFromAdminActionGroup
- Adds the provided Address to a Customer from the Admin Customers creation/edit page.
- AdminAssertCustomerNoDefaultBillingAddress
- Validates that a Customer does NOT have a Default Billing Address assigned. PLEASE NOTE: The error message is hardcoded.
- SignOut
- Click on the Backend Admin current Admin User menu. Click on ‘Logout’. Validate that you are logged out.
- AdminAssertErrorMessageCustomerGroupAlreadyExists
- No description.
- AdminFilterCustomerAddressGridByPhoneNumber
- Filters the Admin Customers grid by the provided Phone Number.
- AdminAssertCustomerDefaultShippingAddress
- Validates that the provided Default Customer Shipping Address details are present and correct on the Customer creation/edit page. Under the section ‘Addresses’.
- NavigateToCustomerGroupPage
- Goes to the Admin Customer Groups page.
- AssertMessageCustomerLoginActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Message/Message Type are present and correct.
- AdminAssertCustomerGroupOnProductForm
- No description.
- StorefrontOpenMyAccountPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteCustomerActionGroup
- Goes to the Customers grid page. Check the row for the provided Customer Email Address. Delete the Customer.
- AdminCreateCustomerGroupActionGroup
- Goes to the Customer Groups creation page. Fills Name. Selects Tax Class. Clicks on Save. Validate that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminEditCustomerAddressesFrom
- Adds the provided Address to a Customer from the Admin Customers creation/edit page.
- AdminEditCustomerAddressSetDefaultShippingAndBilling
- EXTENDS: AdminEditCustomerAddressesFrom. Clicks on ‘Set Default’ for Billing/Shipping.
- AdminEditCustomerAddressNoZipNoState
- EXTENDS: AdminEditCustomerAddressesFrom. Removes ‘selectState’ and ‘fillZipCode’. Clicks on ‘Set Default’ for Billing/Shipping.
- SelectDropdownCustomerAddressAttributeValueActionGroup
- Selects the provided Option in the provided Customer Address Attribute drop down menu. Clicks on Save.
- AssertCustomerGroupNotOnProductFormActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Advanced Pricing’ on the Admin Customers creation/edit page. Validates that the provided Customer Group does NOT appear in the dropdown menu.
- StorefrontCustomerAddressBookContains
- Validate that the provided Address appears in the Storefront Customer Address list.
- AdminAssertAddressInCustomersAddressGrid
- Validates that the provided Customer Address is present in the Customer Address grid on the Customer creation/edit page. Under the ‘Addresses’ section.
- StorefrontOpenCustomerAccountCreatePageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Create page.
- StorefrontOpenCustomerAccountCreatePageUsingStoreCodeInUrlActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Create page using Store code in URL option.
- StorefrontFillCustomerLoginFormWithWrongPasswordActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontFillCustomerLoginFormActionGroup. Removes ‘fillPassword’. Fills in an invalid Password.
- SignUpNewUserFromStorefrontActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront. Clicks on ‘Create Account’. Fills in the provided Customer details, excluding Newsletter Sign-Up. Clicks on ‘Create Account’ button. Validate that the Customer details are present and correct.
- StorefrontCreateCustomerSignedUpNewsletterActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront. Clicks on ‘Create Account’. Fills in the provided Customer details, including Newsletter Sign-Up. Clicks on ‘Create Account’ button.
- StorefrontFillRegistrationFormActionGroup
- No description.
- SaveRegistrationFormActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertSignedUpNewsletterActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer details are present and correct on the Storefront Customer Dashboard page.
- EnterCustomerAddressInfo
- Fills in the provided Customer details (First/Last Name, Company, Phone # and Address) on the Admin Customer creation/edit page. Clicks on the Save button.
- EnterCustomerAddressInfoFillState
- EXTENDS: EnterCustomerAddressInfo. Fills the State field.
- VerifyCustomerBillingAddress
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Dashboard Address area. Validates that the provided Customer Billing Address is present and correct on the Storefront Customer Dashboard Address section.
- VerifyCustomerShippingAddress
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Dashboard Address area. Validates that the provided Customer Shipping Address is present and correct.
- VerifyCustomerBillingAddressWithState
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Dashboard Address area. Validates that the provided Customer Billing Address, including the State, is present and correct.
- VerifyCustomerShippingAddressWithState
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Dashboard Address area. Validates that the provided Customer Shipping Address, including the State, is present and correct.
- VerifyCustomerNameOnFrontend
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Dashboard page. Validates that the Customer First/Last Name is present and correct.
- SignUpNewCustomerStorefrontActionGroup
- EXTENDS: SignUpNewUserFromStorefrontActionGroup. Adds a waitForPageLoad action to the Action Group. Removes the action for ‘seeThankYouMessage’.
- StorefrontCustomerResetPasswordActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Sign-In page. Clicks on ‘Forgot Password’. Fills Email Address. Clicks on Reset Password.
- StorefrontClickSignInButtonActionGroup
- Click on the Storefront Header ‘Sign-In’ link.
- AdminAssertDefaultValueDisableAutoGroupInCustomerFormActionGroup
- Check Default Value for Disable Automatic Group Changes Based on VAT ID in Create Customer form.
- AssertAdminCustomerGenderOnCustomerFormActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer Gender is selected on the Admin Customer edit page.
- StorefrontAssertRegistrationPageFields
- No description.
- AdminFilterCustomerGroupByNameActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Customers grid by the provided Customer Group Name.
- AssertStorefrontDefaultWelcomeMessageActionGroup
- Validates that the Welcome message is present and correct and not you link absent.
- AdminNavigateNewCustomerActionGroup
- Goes to the New Customer page.
- StorefrontOpenCustomerLoginPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Sign-In page.
- AssertCustomerWelcomeMessageActionGroup
- Validates that the Welcome message is present and correct, including the provided Customers Full Name.
- StorefrontClickCreateAnAccountCustomerAccountCreationFormActionGroup
- Clicks on the Storefront Header ‘Create Account’ link.
- NavigateThroughCustomerTabsActionGroup
- Clicks on the provided Storefront Customer Dashboard Side Bar tab names.
- StorefrontCustomerAddressBookNumberOfAddresses
- Validate that the Customer Address count is present and correct on the Storefront Customer Dashboard page.
- CreateCustomerActionGroup
- Goes to the Add Customers page via the Admin Nav Menu. Fills in the Customer details. Clicks on Save. PLEASE NOTE: The Customer data is Hardcoded using ‘NewCustomerData’.
- AdminOpenCustomerEditPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Customer Edit page for the provided Customer ID #.
- AdminCustomerSaveAndContinue
- Clicks on ‘Save and Continue’ on the Customer creation/edit page.
- AdminCreateCustomerWithDefaultAddressWithoutPhoneActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontRegisterCustomerFromOrderSuccessPage
- Clicks on ‘Create Account’ on the Storefront Checkout Success page. Fills in the provided Customer details. Clicks on ‘Create Account’. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminAssertCustomerGroupPresentInGrid
- No description.
- AdminAddProductToShoppingCartActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product Name to the Cart on the Admin Customer creation/edit page.
- StorefrontCustomerReorderButtonNotVisibleActionGroup
- No description.
- SetCustomerDataLifetimeActionGroup
- Goes to the Customer Configuration page. Fills Customer Data Lifetime. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success message is present.
- AdminAssertCustomerDefaultBillingAddress
- Validates that the provided Default Customer Billing Address details are present and correct on the Customer creation/edit page. Under the section ‘Addresses’.
- StorefrontNavigateToCustomerOrdersHistoryPageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCustomerGoToSidebarMenu
- Click on the Storefront Customer Account Dashboard sub-menu based on the provided Menu Name.
- StorefrontClickSignOnCustomerLoginFormActionGroup
- Click on the Customer Sign In button on the Storefront Customer Sign-In page.
- AdminUpdateCustomerGenderInCustomersGridActionGroup
- Update customer gender attribute value on customers grid page
- StorefrontOpenCustomerAccountInfoEditPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Edit page.
- StoreFrontClickEditDefaultShippingAddressActionGroup
- Click on the edit default shipping address link.
- AdminFilterCustomerByEmail
- Goes to the Customer grid page. Filter results based on provided Customer Email Address.
- AdminSaveCustomerAndAssertSuccessMessage
- Clicks on the Save button. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The message is Hardcoded.
- FillCustomerSignInPopupFormActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer details (Email and Password) in the Customer Sign In modal on the Storefront Checkout page. Clicks on Sign In.
- AssertAuthorizationPopUpPasswordAutoCompleteOffActionGroup
- Validates that the Storefront Customer Sign-In popup form does NOT contain the ‘autocomplete=off’ attribute.
- AdminSelectCustomerByEmail
- Checks the Customer for the provided Customer Email Address in the Admin Customers grid.
- AdminFilterCustomerByName
- Filters the Admin Customers grid by the provided Name.
- AdminResetFilterInCustomerGrid
- Clears the Admin Customer grid Filters. Sets the grid view to ‘Default View’.
- AdminCreateCustomerWithWebsiteAndStoreViewActionGroup
- Goes to the Customer grid page. Click on ‘Add New Customer’. Fills provided Customer Data. Fill provided Customer Address data. Assigns Product to Website and Store View. Click on Save Address.
- AdminCreateCustomerWithWebSiteAndGroup
- Goes to the Customer grid page. Click on ‘Add New Customer’. Fills provided Customer Data. Fill provided Customer Address data. Assigns Product to Website and Store View. Clicks on Save.
- StorefrontFillBillingAddressActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminNavigateCustomerEditPageAddressesTabActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminOpenCustomerEditPageActionGroup. Navigates to Addresses Tab in Admin Customer Edit page for the provided Customer ID #.
- CustomerLogoutStorefrontByMenuItemsActionGroup
- Click on the Storefront Current Customer menu. Click on Logout.
- AdminSelectAllCustomers
- Selects All of the Customers in the Admin Customers grid.
- AdminSaveCustomerAddressActionGroup
- No description.
- OpenEditCustomerFromAdminActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Customers grid page. Filters the grid based on the provided Customer. Clicks on Edit.
- OpenEditCustomerAddressFromAdminActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Customers Addresses based on the provided Address. Clicks on Edit.
- DeleteCustomerFromAdminActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Customers grid page. Deletes the provided Customer from the grid. Validates that the Success message is present and correct.
- AdminClearCustomersFiltersActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Customers grid page. Clicks on ‘Clear Filters’.
- AdminEditCustomerAddressSetDefaultShippingAndBilling
- EXTENDS: AdminEditCustomerAddressesFrom. Removes ‘selectState’ and ‘fillZipCode’.
- AdminEditCustomerAccountInformationActionGroup
- Fills in the Customer First Name, Last Name and Email. Clicks on Save and Continue.
- AssertCustomerGroupNotInGridActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Customers grid for the Customer Group (Code). Validates that the grid is empty.
- AdminAssertCustomerAccountInformation
- Validates that the provided Customer details are present and correct on the Customer creation/edit page. Under the ‘Account Information’ section.
- AssertMessageCustomerChangeAccountInfoActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Message/Message Type are present and correct.
- StorefrontAssertCustomerAddressItemsActionGroup
- Validate that the Storefront Customer Address contains correct items.
- NavigateToAllCustomerPage
- Goes to the Admin Customers grid page.
- LoginToStorefrontWithEmailAndPassword
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Sign In page. Logs in using the provided Email and Password.
- StorefrontAssertDownloadableProductIsPresentInCustomerAccount
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Dashboard page. Clicks on ‘My Downloadable Products’. Validates that the provided Product is present.
- fillMainDownloadableProductForm
- Fills the Name, SKU, Price and Quantity on the Product creation/edit page.
- addDownloadableProductLinkWithMaxDownloads
- Clicks on ‘Add Link’. Fills in the provided Link details including a Max Downloads limit.
- addDownloadableProductLink
- Clicks on ‘Add Link’, under the ‘Links’ section. Fills in the provided Link details including Unlimited Downloads.
- addDownloadableSampleFile
- Clicks on ‘Add Link’ under the ‘Samples’ section. Fills in the provided Downloadable Sample File details.
- addDownloadableSampleUrl
- Clicks on ‘Add Link’ under the ‘Samples’ section. Fills in the provided Downloadable Sample URL details.
- VerifyProductTypeOrder
- Validates that the ‘Downloadable Product’ option is present in the ‘Add Product’ dropdown menu on the Products grid page.
- AddDownloadableProductLinkActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Add Link’, under the ‘Links’ section. Fills in the provided Link details including Unlimited Downloads.
- AddDownloadableProductLinkWithMaxDownloadsActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Add Link’. Fills in the provided Link details including a Max Downloads limit.
- StorefrontOpenDownloadableSampleActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontOpenDownloadableLinkActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAddDownloadableLinkInformationActionGroup
- Checks ‘Is this downloadable Product?’. Fills in the provided Downloadable details under the ‘Downloadable Information’.
- AssertSearchResultActionGroup
- Check search result on Storefront
- ModifyCustomAttributeValueActionGroup
- Update value for custom attribute
- AdminElasticConnectionTestActionGroup
- Check ElasticSearch connection after enabling.
- CreateNewTemplate
- Clicks on Add New Template. Fills the Template details. Clicks on Save. PLEASE NOTE: The values are Hardcoded.
- CreateCustomTemplate
- No description.
- PrepareDraftCustomTemplate
- No description.
- FindAndOpenEmailTemplate
- No description.
- DeleteEmailTemplate
- Clicks on Delete Template. Accepts the Popup. Validates that the Email Template is NOT present in the Email Templates Grid.
- PreviewEmailTemplate
- No description.
- AssertEmailTemplateContent
- No description.
- AdminEncryptionKeyChangeKeyManualActionGroup
- Change Encryption Key - No-Auto Generate Action Group.
- AdminEncryptionKeyChangeKeyAutoActionGroup
- Change Encryption Key Auto Generate Action Group.
- AdminEncryptionKeyNavigateToChangePageActionGroup
- Navigate to change encryption key page.
- CheckingGiftOptionsActionGroup
- Clicks on Checkout with Multiple Addresses. Clicks on Add Gift option. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. PLEASE NOTE: The message is Hardcoded.
- AssertLinkPresenceOnGroupedProductPage
- Validates that the provided Product Name is present and correct on a Storefront Grouped Product page.
- VerifyProductTypeOrder
- Checks that Grouped is in the correct order in comparison to other product types on the add product dropdown.
- StorefrontAddGroupedProductWithTwoLinksToCartActionGroup
- Adding to the Shopping Cart single Grouped product, with 2 associated from the Product page
- checkRequiredFieldsInGroupedProductForm
- Clears the Product Name and SKU fields when adding a Grouped Product and then verifies that they are required after attempting to Save.
- fillGroupedProductForm
- Fills in the provided Product Name and SKU on the Grouped Product creation/edit page.
- viewGroupedProductInAdminGrid
- Goes to the Admin Products grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Product. Validates that the provided Product appears in the grid.
- fillDefaultQuantityForLinkedToGroupProductInGrid
- Fills the provided Qty for a Product linked to a Grouped Product.
- AdminAssignProductToGroup
- Adds the provided Product to a Grouped Product on an Admin Grouped Product creation/edit page.
- StorefrontAddThreeGroupedProductToTheCartActionGroup
- Goes to the provided URL for a Grouped Product. Validates that the provided Products and Quantities are present and correct.
- FillGroupedProductFormActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Product Name and SKU on the Grouped Product creation/edit page.
- AdminAssignProductToGroupActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product to a Grouped Product on an Admin Grouped Product creation/edit page.
- AdminOrderConfigureGroupedProduct
- No description.
- AdminNavigateToExportPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertVisiblePagerActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminImportProductsActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Import page. Imports the provided File. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminImportProductsWithCheckValidationResultActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCheckDataForImportProductActionGroup
- No description.
- updateIndexerBySchedule
- Goes to the Index Management page. Checks the provided Indexer Name. Selects ‘Update by Schedule’. Clicks on Submit.
- updateIndexerOnSave
- Goes to the Index Management page. Checks the provided Indexer Name. Selects ‘Update on Save’. Clicks on Submit.
- AdminReindexAndFlushCache
- Run reindex and flush cache.
- AdminSwitchAllIndexerToActionModeActionGroup
- No description.
- CliRunReindexUsingCronJobsActionGroup
- Run cron ‘index’ group which reindex all invalidated indices.
- AdminSwitchIndexerToActionModeActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminReindexAndFlushCache
- Run reindex and flush cache.
- AdminOpenInstantPurchaseConfigPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminChangeInstantPurchaseButtonTextActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminChangeInstantPurchaseStatusActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenNewIntegrationPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSearchIntegrationInGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteIntegrationEntityActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCreatesNewIntegrationActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminNavigateToCreateIntegrationPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSubmitNewIntegrationFormActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminClickSaveButtonIntegrationFormActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertDeletedIntegrationIsNotInGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminFillIntegrationFormActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminMessageCreateIntegrationEntityActionGroup
- No description.
- CheckingWithSingleAddressActionGroup
- No description.
- CheckingWithMultipleAddressesActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCheckoutWithMultipleAddressesActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontSelectAddressActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontSaveAddressActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCheckoutShippingSelectMultipleAddressesActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontGoCheckoutWithMultipleAddresses
- No description.
- StorefrontGoToBillingInformationActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontSalesOrderMatchesGrandTotalActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSalesOrderActionGroup
- No description.
- SelectSingleShippingInfoActionGroup
- No description.
- SelectMultiShippingInfoActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontLeaveDefaultShippingMethodsAndGoToBillingInfoActionGroup
- No description.
- ReviewOrderForSingleShipmentActionGroup
- No description.
- ReviewOrderForMultiShipmentActionGroup
- No description.
- SelectBillingInfoActionGroup
- No description.
- CheckingWithMinicartActionGroup
- No description.
- PlaceOrderActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontPlaceOrderForMultipleAddressesActionGroup
- No description.
- SwitchToPreviewIframeActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCreateNewAccountNewsletterChecked
- EXTENDS: SignUpNewUserFromStorefrontActionGroup. Clicks on ‘Sign Up for Newsletter’. Validates that the Subscription Confirmation message is present and correct.
- StorefrontCreateNewAccountNewsletterUnchecked
- EXTENDS: SignUpNewUserFromStorefrontActionGroup. Validates that the you are NOT subscribed message is present and correct.
- CheckSubscribedNewsletterActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Newsletter Management page. Validates that the ‘Subscription’ checkbox is checked.
- ClearPageCacheActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cache Management page. Selects ‘Refresh’. Checks the ‘Page Cache’ row. Clicks on Submit.
- ClearCacheActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cache Management page. Clicks on ‘Flush Magento Cache’.
- clearPageCache
- Goes to the Admin Cache Management page. Selects ‘Refresh’. Checks the ‘Page Cache’ row. Clicks on Submit.
- ApplyCouponOnPaymentPageActionGroup
- Adds the provided Coupon Code on the Storefront Shopping Cart page. Validates that the Discount Verification Message is present and correct.
- EnablePayPalConfiguration
- Expands the ‘OTHER PAYPAL PAYMENT SOLUTIONS’ tab on the Admin Configuration page. Enables the provided PayPal Config type for the provided Country Code.
- EnablePayPalSolutionWithoutSave
- Expands the ‘OTHER PAYPAL PAYMENT SOLUTIONS’ tab on the Admin Configuration page. Enables the provided PayPal Config type for the provided Country Code without saving.
- CheckEnableOptionPayPalConfiguration
- Expands the ‘OTHER PAYPAL PAYMENT SOLUTIONS’ tab on the Admin Configuration page. Enables the provided PayPal Config type for the provided Country Code.
- LoginToPayPalPaymentAccount
- No description.
- ConfigPayPalExpressCheckout
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Payment Methods’. Fills in the provided PayPal credentials and other details. Clicks on Save.
- SampleConfigPayPalExpressCheckout
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Payment Methods’. Fills in the provided Sample PayPal credentials and other details. Clicks on Save.
- CreatePayPalOrderWithSelectedPaymentMethodActionGroup
- EXTENDS: CreateOrderToPrintPageActionGroup. Clicks on PayPal. Fills the PayPay details in the modal. PLEASE NOTE: The PayPal Payment credentials are Hardcoded using ‘Payer’.
- addProductToCheckoutPage
- Goes to the provided Category page on the Storefront. Adds the 1st Product to the Cart. Goes to Checkout. Select the Shipping Method. Selects PayPal as the Payment Method.
- StorefrontPayOrderOnPayPalCheckoutActionGroup
- Verifies product name on Paypal cart and clicks ‘Pay Now’ on PayPal payment checkout page.
- OpenPayPalButtonCheckoutPage
- Clicks on ‘Configure’ for ‘PayPal Express Checkout’ on the Admin Configuration page. Expands the ‘Advanced Settings’ tab. Expands the ‘Frontend Experience Settings’ tab. Expands the ‘Checkout Page’ tab.
- StorefrontAssertPersistentRegistrationPageFields
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertPersistentCustomerWelcomeMessageActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertPersistentCustomerWelcomeMessageNotPresentActionGroup
- No description.
- CustomerLoginOnStorefrontWithRememberMeChecked
- EXTENDS: LoginToStorefrontActionGroup. Checks the ‘Remember Me’ checkbox.
- CustomerLoginOnStorefrontWithRememberMeUnChecked
- EXTENDS: LoginToStorefrontActionGroup. Uncheck the ‘Remember Me’ checkbox.
- StorefrontRegisterCustomerRememberMe
- No description.
- StorefrontCreateCustomerOnRegisterPageDoNotRememberMe
- No description.
- AdminOpenProductVideoModalActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertVideoNoValidationErrorActionGroup
- No description.
- addProductVideo
- Expands the ‘Images And Videos’ section on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Adds the provided Video to the Product. Clicks on Save.
- removeProductVideo
- Expands the ‘Images And Videos’ section on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Clicks on the Remove Video button.
- assertProductVideoAdminProductPage
- Validates that the provided Video is present on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- assertProductVideoNotInAdminProductPage
- Validates that the provided Video is NOT present on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AssertAdminVideoValidationErrorActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminGetVideoInformationActionGroup
- No description.
- assertProductVideoStorefrontProductPage
- Validates that the provided Video is present on the Storefront Product page.
- assertProductVideoNotInStorefrontProductPage
- Validates that the provided Video is NOT present on the Storefront Product page.
- AdminFillProductVideoFieldActionGroup
- No description.
- GenerateOrderReportActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘here’ to refresh the grid data. Enters the provided Order From/To Dates. Clicks on ‘Show Report’.
- GenerateOrderReportForNotCancelActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘here’ to refresh the grid data. Enters the provided Order From/To Dates and provided Order Status. Clicks on ‘Show Report’.
- AdminReviewOrderActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘REPORTS’ in the Admin side menu. Clicks on ‘Ordered’. Clicks on ‘Refresh’. Validates that the provided Product name appears in the list.
- AdminNavigateToNewRatingFormActionGroup
- Open New Rating Form
- AdminOpenPendingReviewsPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteReviewsByUserNicknameActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSaveReviewActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertStoreViewRatingTitleWhenSingleStoreModeIsNoActionGroup
- If Single Store Mode is disabled, default store view title label should be displayed.
- StorefrontAssertReviewAtProductPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminChangeReviewStatusActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenReviewByUserNicknameActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertStoreViewRatingTitleWhenSingleStoreModeIsYesActionGroup
- If Single Store Mode is enabled, default store view title label should not be displayed.
- AdminOpenReviewsPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOrderActionOnGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminTwoOrderActionOnGridActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontFillOrdersAndReturnsFormActionGroup
- No description.
- SelectCheckMoneyPaymentMethodActionGroup
- Selects the ‘Check / Money Order’ Payment Method on the Admin Create New Order page.
- AdminAddToOrderCouponCodeActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertProductQtyInGridActionGroup
- Goes tot he Admin Catalog Product grid page. Filters the grid based on the provided Product SKU. Validates that the provided Product Qty is present.
- AdminApplyCouponToOrderActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminItemOrderedErrorActionGroup
- Assert that item in ‘Item Ordered’ grid has an error/notice
- AdminSubmitOrderActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAddToOrderBundleProductActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenShipmentFromOrderPageActionGroup
- Admin open shipment from order
- AdminStartToCreateCreditMemoFromOrderPageActionGroup
- Admin start to create credit memo from order
- AdminOrderStatusFormFillAndSave
- Fills in the provided Status and Label on the Admin Order Status section.
- VerifyBasicOrderInformationActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Customer, Shipping/Billing Address and Customer Group are present and correct on the Admin Orders view page.
- AdminSelectFlatRateShippingMethodActionGroup
- No description.
- GoToInvoiceIntoOrderActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Invoice’ on the Admin Orders view page. Validates that the URL and Page Title are correct.
- AdminStartCreateCreditMemoFromOrderPageActionGroup
- Start to create Credit Memo from order page
- AdminShipThePendingOrderActionGroup
- No description.
- FilterOrderGridByIdActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Orders page. Filters the grid based on the provided Order ID.
- AdminFilterProductInCreateOrderActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminItemOrderedErrorNotVisibleActionGroup
- Assert that item in ‘Item Ordered’ grid does not have an error/notice
- AssertStorefrontShippingDescriptionInOrderViewActionGroup
- Validates that the Shipping Description will shown in Shipping total description.
- AssertSalesPrintOrderBillingAddress
- No description.
- AdminOpenInvoiceFromOrderPageActionGroup
- Admin open invoice from order
- AdminAddToOrderDownloadableProductActionGroup
- No description.
- filterOrderGridById
- Goes to the Admin Orders page. Filters the grid based on the provided Order ID.
- filterOrderGridByBillingName
- Goes to the Admin Orders page. Filters the grid based on the provided Customer.
- filterOrderGridByBaseTotalRange
- Goes to the Admin Orders page. Filters the grid based on the provided Grand Total From/To values.
- filterOrderGridByPurchaseDate
- Goes to the Admin Orders page. Filters the grid based on the provided Purchased Date From/To values.
- filterOrderGridByStatus
- Filters the Admin Orders grid based on the provided Order Status.
- AdminOrdersGridClearFiltersActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Orders grid page. Clicks on ‘Clear Filters’, if present.
- OpenOrderById
- EXTENDS: filterOrderGridById. Clicks on the 1st row of the Admin Orders grid.
- AdminAssertOrderAvailableButtonsActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontCustomerReorderActionGroup
- Navigate to customer dashboard -> orders. Press ‘reorder’ button for specified order id. Notice: customer should be logged in.
- NavigateToNewOrderPageExistingCustomerActionGroup
- No description.
- useBraintreeForMasterCard
- Selects ‘Braintree’ as the Payment Method on the Admin New Order creation page. Enters Credit Card details. PLEASE NOTE: The Credit Card details used are Hardcoded using ‘PaymentAndShippingInfo’.
- AdminAddToOrderConfigurableProductActionGroup
- No description.
- FilterShipmentGridByOrderIdActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenCreditMemoFromOrderPageActionGroup
- Admin open creditmemo from order
- SelectActionForOrdersActionGroup
- No description.
- StartCreateInvoiceFromOrderPageActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Invoice’ on the Admin Orders view page. Validates that the URL and Page Title are correct.
- CancelPendingOrderActionGroup
- Cancels the Pending Order on the Admin Orders view page. Validates that the provided Order Status is present and correct.
- AdminAssertRefundOrderStatusCommentsHistoryActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Comments History’ on Admin View Order page. Validates that the provided Order Status and Refund message are present and correct.
- AdminAssertRefundInRefundsGridActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Credit Memo grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Order ID, Memo ID, Refund Status and Refunded Total. Validates that the provided details are present and correct.
- AssertOrderStatusFormSaveSuccess
- Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontSearchGuestOrderActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront Customer Orders and Returns page. Fills in the provided Order ID, Billing Last Name and Email. Clicks on Continue. Validates that the URL is correct.
- AdminCreateInvoiceActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCreateInvoiceAndShipmentActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCreateInvoiceAndCreditMemoActionGroup
- No description.
- verifyBasicCreditMemoInformation
- Validates that the provided Customer, Shipping/Billing Address and Customer Group are present and correct on the Admin Credit Memo view page.
- seeProductInItemsRefunded
- Validates that the provided Product appears in the ‘Product’ column on the Admin Credit Memo view page.
- StartToCreateCreditMemoActionGroup
- No description.
- SubmitCreditMemoActionGroup
- No description.
- UpdateCreditMemoTotalsActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminShippingDescriptionInOrderViewActionGroup
- Validates that the Shipping Description will shown in Shipping total description.
- FillOrderCustomerInformationActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Customer and Address details on the Admin ‘Create New Order for’ page.
- CreateOrderToPrintPageActionGroup
- Goes to the provided Storefront Category page. Adds the Product to the Cart. Places the Order. Clicks on Print Order.
- CreateOrderToPrintPageWithSelectedPaymentMethodActionGroup
- EXTENDS: CreateOrderToPrintPageActionGroup. Clicks on ‘Check / Money Order’.
- FilterOrderStatusByLabelAndCodeActionGroup
- No description.
- SubmitInvoiceActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Submit Invoice’ on the Admin ‘New Invoice’ page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. Validates that the Order ID appears in the URL.
- AdminMoveProductToItemsOrderedFromShoppingCartActionGroup
- Move product to the ‘Items Ordered’ section from shopping cart.
- AdminOpenAndFillCreditMemoRefundActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Credit Memos’ section on the Admin Orders edit page. Fills in the provided Refund details (Qty to Refund, Shipping Refund, Adjustment Refund, Adjustment Fee and Row number).
- AdminOpenAndFillCreditMemoRefundAndBackToStockActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminOpenAndFillCreditMemoRefundActionGroup. Checks ‘Return to Stock’.
- verifyBasicInvoiceInformation
- Validates that the provided Customer, Address and Customer Group details are present and correct on the Admin View Invoice page.
- seeProductInInvoiceItems
- Validates that the provided Product appears under the ‘SKU’ column in the Admin Invoices edit page.
- adminFastCreateInvoice
- Clicks on ‘Invoice’ on the Admin Orders view page. Clicks on ‘Submit Invoice’. Clicks on ‘View Invoice’.
- clearInvoicesGridFilters
- Goes to the Admin Invoices grid page. Clicks on ‘Clear Filters’, if present.
- goToInvoiceIntoOrder
- Clicks on ‘Invoice’ on the Admin Orders view page. Validates that the URL and Page Title are correct.
- StartCreateInvoiceFromOrderPage
- Clicks on ‘Invoice’ on the Admin Orders view page. Validates that the URL and Page Title are correct.
- SubmitInvoice
- Clicks on ‘Submit Invoice’ on the Admin ‘New Invoice’ page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. Validates that the Order ID appears in the URL.
- filterInvoiceGridByOrderId
- Goes to the Admin Invoices grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Order ID.
- FilterInvoiceGridByOrderIdWithCleanFiltersActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertProductInShoppingCartSectionActionGroup
- Assert product in Shopping cart section in Customer’s Activities block on Create Order Page.
- OpenOrderByIdActionGroup
- EXTENDS: FilterOrderGridByIdActionGroup. Clicks on the 1st row of the Admin Orders grid.
- OrderSelectFlatRateShippingActionGroup
- Selects the ‘Flat Rate’ Shipping Method on the Admin ‘Create New Order for’ page.
- AssertOrderStatusFormSaveDuplicateError
- Validates that the ‘Duplicate Order’ Error Message is present and correct.
- VerifyCreatedOrderInformationActionGroup
- Validates that the Success Message, Order Status (Pending) and Order ID are present and correct.
- AdminOrderSelectShippingMethodActionGroup
- Select Shipping method from admin order page.
- AssertOrderButtonsAvailableActionGroup
- Validates that the primary buttons appear on the Admin Order edit page.
- AssertAdminCreditMemoGrandTotalActionGroup
- Admin assert creditmemo grant total sum
- navigateToNewOrderPageNewCustomer
- Goes to the Admin Orders grid page. Clicks on ‘Create New Order’. Clicks on ‘Create New Customer’. Select the provided Store View, if present. Validates that Page Title is present and correct.
- navigateToNewOrderPageNewCustomerSingleStore
- Goes to the Admin Orders grid page. Clicks on ‘Create New Order’. Clicks on ‘Create New Customer’. Validates that Page Title is present and correct.
- navigateToNewOrderPageExistingCustomer
- Goes tot he Admin Orders grid page. Clicks on ‘Create New Order’. Filters the grid for the provided Customer. Clicks on the Customer. Selects the provided Store View, if present. Validates that the Page Title is present and correct.
- NavigateToNewOrderPageExistingCustomerAndStoreActionGroup
- EXTENDS: navigateToNewOrderPageExistingCustomer. Clicks on the provided Store View.
- checkRequiredFieldsNewOrderForm
- Clears the Email, First Name, Last Name, Street Line 1, City, Postal Code and Phone fields when adding an Order and then verifies that they are required after attempting to Save.
- addSimpleProductToOrder
- Adds the provided Simple Product to an Order. Fills in the provided Product Qty. Clicks on ‘Add Selected Product(s) to Order’.
- AddSimpleProductWithQtyToOrderActionGroup
- No description.
- addConfigurableProductToOrder
- Adds the provided Configurable Product with the provided Option to an Order. Fills in the provided Product Qty. Clicks on ‘Add Selected Product(s) to Order’.
- newAddConfigurableProductToOrder
- No description.
- addConfigurableProductToOrderFromAdmin
- EXTENDS: addConfigurableProductToOrder. Selects the provided Option to the Configurable Product.
- configureOrderedConfigurableProduct
- Clicks on ‘Configure’ for a Product in the ‘Please select products’ under the ‘Create New Order for’ page. Selects the provided Option and Attribute. Fills in the provided Qty. Clicks on Ok.
- addBundleProductToOrder
- Adds the provided Bundled Product with the provided Option to an Order. Fills in the provided Product Qty. Clicks on ‘Add Selected Product(s) to Order’.
- addBundleProductToOrderAndCheckPriceInGrid
- EXTENDS: addBundleProductToOrder. Validates that the provided Product Price is present and correct in the ‘Items Ordered’ section.
- addDownloadableProductToOrder
- Adds a Downloadable Product to an Order. Clicks on ‘Add Selected Product(s) to Order’.
- addGroupedProductOptionToOrder
- Adds the provided Grouped Product with the provided Option to an Order. Fills in the provided Product Qty. Clicks on ‘Add Selected Product(s) to Order’.
- fillOrderCustomerInformation
- Fills in the provided Customer and Address details on the Admin ‘Create New Order for’ page.
- orderSelectFlatRateShipping
- Selects the ‘Flat Rate’ Shipping Method on the Admin ‘Create New Order for’ page.
- changeShippingMethod
- Change Shipping Method on the Admin ‘Create New Order for’ page.
- orderSelectFreeShipping
- Selects the ‘Free Shipping’ Shipping Method on the Admin ‘Create New Order for’ page.
- verifyBasicOrderInformation
- Validates that the provided Customer, Shipping/Billing Address and Customer Group are present and correct on the Admin Orders view page.
- AssertOrderAddressInformationActionGroup
- No description.
- verifyCreatedOrderInformation
- Validates that the Success Message, Order Status (Pending) and Order ID are present and correct.
- seeProductInItemsOrdered
- Validates that the provided Product is present and correct in the ‘Items Ordered’ section on the Admin Orders view page.
- CreateOrderInStoreActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Create Order page. Creates an Order based on the provided Customer, Store View and Product. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- CreateOrderInStoreChoosingPaymentMethodActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Create Order page. Creates an Order based on the provided Customer, Store View and Product. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- cancelPendingOrder
- Cancels the Pending Order on the Admin Orders view page. Validates that the provided Order Status is present and correct.
- dontSeeProductInItemsOrdered
- No description.
- SelectCheckMoneyPaymentMethod
- Selects the ‘Check / Money Order’ Payment Method on the Admin Create New Order page.
- SelectBankTransferPaymentMethodActionGroup
- No description.
- SelectCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethodActionGroup
- No description.
- SelectPurchaseOrderPaymentMethodActionGroup
- No description.
- CreateOrderActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Create New Order page. Selects the provided Customer. Adds the provided Product to the Order. Clicks on Submit Order. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- CreateOrderFilteringCustomerByEmailActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOrderFilterByOrderIdAndStatusActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertOrderStatusExistsInGrid
- Validates that the provided Order Status and Label are present in the Admin Orders grid.
- AddSimpleProductToOrderActionGroup
- Adds the provided Simple Product to an Order. Fills in the provided Product Qty. Clicks on ‘Add Selected Product(s) to Order’.
- StorefrontApplyCouponActionGroup
- Applies the provided Coupon Code to the Storefront Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontCancelCouponActionGroup
- Cancels the Coupon that is applied to the Storefront Shopping Cart.
- StorefrontCheckCouponAppliedActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Rule and Discount Amount is present and correct on the Storefront Checkout page.
- VerifyDiscountAmount
- Goes to the provided Storefront Product URL. Fills in provided Quantity. Clicks Add to Cart. Goes to Checkout. Validates that the provided Discount Amount is present and correct.
- ApplyCartRuleOnStorefrontActionGroup
- Clicks on Add to Cart on a Storefront Product page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct. Goes to the Storefront Shopping Cart page. Applies the provided Coupon Code to the Shopping Cart.
- AssertCustomerGroupNotOnCartPriceRuleFormActionGroup
- Validates that the ‘Customer Groups’ section does NOT contain the provided Customer Group on the Admin Cart Price Rule creation/edit page.
- StorefrontClickOnMiniCartActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminFilterCartPriceRuleActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Cart Price Rule grid based on the provided Rule Name. Clicks on the 1st row in the grid.
- AdminCartPriceRuleNotInGridActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminFilterCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Removes ‘goToEditRulePage’. Validates that the Empty Grid message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cart Price Rule grid page. Adds the provided Rule. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleAndStayOnEditActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Clicks on Save and Continue.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleWithCouponCode
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Removes ‘selectActionType’ and ‘fillDiscountAmount’. Adds the provided Coupon Code to a Cart Price Rule.
- AdminDeleteCartPriceRuleForRetailerActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cart Price Rules grid page. Removes the 1st Cart Price Rule in the Grid.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleWithConditions
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Removes ‘fillDiscountAmount’. Adds the 2 provided Conditions (Name, Rule, Rule to Change and Category Name) to a Cart Price Rule.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionsWithSubtotalActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Removes ‘fillDiscountAmount’. Adds sub total conditions for free shipping to a Cart Price Rule.
- AdminCreateMultiWebsiteCartPriceRuleActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Removes ‘clickSaveButton’ for the next data changing. Assign cart price rule to 2 websites instead of 1.
- CreateCartPriceRuleSecondWebsiteActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cart Price Rule grid page. Clicks on Add New Rule. Fills the provided Rule (Name). Selects ‘Second Website’ from the ‘Websites’ menu.
- AdminInactiveCartPriceRuleActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Clicks on ‘Active’.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleWithConditionIsCategoryActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionGroup. Sets the provide Condition (Actions Aggregator/Value, Child Attribute and Action Value) for Actions on the Admin Cart Price Rule creation/edit page.
- AssertCartPriceRuleSuccessSaveMessageActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save button on the Admin Cart Price Rule creation/edit page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- DeleteCartPriceRuleByName
- Goes to the Admin Cart Price Rules grid page. Filters the grid based on the provided Rule Name. Deletes the Price Rule via the grid.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionsSectionDiscountFieldsActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Actions’ section on the Admin Cart Price Rule creation/edit page. Fills in the provided Cart Price Rule details.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionsSectionShippingAmountActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Apply to Shipping Amount’ toggle.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionsSectionSubsequentRulesActionGroup
- Clicks on the ‘Discard subsequent rules’ toggle.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleActionsSectionFreeShippingActionGroup
- Selects the provided option in the ‘Free Shipping’ dropdown menu.
- StorefrontAddToTheCartActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontApplyDiscountCodeActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleRuleInfoSectionActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cart Price Rule grid page. Clicks on Add New Rule. Fills in the provided Rule details.
- AdminOpenNewCartPriceRuleFormPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cart Price Rule creation page.
- selectNotLoggedInCustomerGroup
- Selects ‘NOT LOGGED IN’ from the ‘Customer Groups’ list (Magento 2 B2B). PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- selectRetailerCustomerGroup
- Selects ‘Retailer’ from the ‘Customer Groups’ list (Magento 2 B2B). PLEASE NOTE: The value is Hardcoded.
- SetCartAttributeConditionForCartPriceRuleActionGroup
- Sets the provided Cart Attribute Condition (Attribute Name, Operator Type and Value) on the Admin Cart Price Rule creation/edit page.
- SetConditionForActionsInCartPriceRuleActionGroup
- Sets the provided Condition (Actions Aggregator/Value, Child Attribute and Action Value) for Actions on the Admin Cart Price Rule creation/edit page.
- AdminCreateCartPriceRuleLabelsSectionActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Rule details on a Admin Cart Price Rule creation/edit page.
- AdminAssertCustomerGroupOnCartPriceRuleForm
- No description.
- AdminDeleteCartPriceRuleActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Cart Price Rules grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Rule Name. Deletes the Rule via the grid.
- AssertStorefrontMiniCartItemsActionGroup
- No description.
- StoreFrontSelectDropDownSearchSuggestionActionGroup
- Fills the Storefront Quick Search field. Validates that the provided Search Suggestion is present and correct.
- AdminFillAllSearchTermFieldsActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Search Term on the Admin Search Terms grid page.
- searchTermFilterBySearchQuery
- Fills in the provided Search Query on the Admin Search Term grid page.
- deleteSearchTerm
- Deletes the Search Terms in the Admin Search Term grid.
- DeleteAllSearchTerms
- No description.
- AdminSetShippingOriginConfigurationActionGroup
- Set Shipping Origin configurations
- AdminOpenShippingMethodsConfigPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertShipmentItemsActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertExistingTrackingNumberActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminChangeTableRatesShippingMethodStatusActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminImportFileTableRatesShippingMethodActionGroup
- Import a file in Table Rates tab in Shipping Method config page.
- verifyBasicShipmentInformation
- Validates that the provided Customer, Shipping Address, Billing Address and Customer Group are present and correct on the view Admin Order page.
- seeProductInShipmentItems
- Validates that the provided Product is present and correct on the view Admin Order Shipment page under the ‘Items Shipped’ section.
- goToShipmentIntoOrder
- Clicks on the ‘Ship’ button on the view Admin Order page. Validates that the URL and Page Title are present and correct.
- submitShipmentIntoOrder
- Clicks on the ‘Submit Shipment’ button on the view Admin Order Shipment page. Validates that the URL and Page Title are present and correct.
- AdminShipmentCreateShippingLabelActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminGoToShipmentTabActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStoreFrontShippingMethodUnavailableActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAssertShipmentInShipmentsGrid
- No description.
- AssertStoreFrontNoQuotesMessageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminResetShippingOriginConfigurationActionGroup
- Reset Shipping Origin configurations to default
- AdminAssertTrackingValidationErrorActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAddTrackingNumberToShipmentActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteTrackingNumberActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontSetShippingMethodActionGroup
- Selects the provided Shipping Method on checkout shipping and wait loading mask.
- AssertStoreFrontShippingMethodAvailableActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertThereIsNoShipButtonActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminSelectFirstGridRowActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminCreateShipmentFromOrderPage
- No description.
- AdminAssertCreatedShipmentsInShipmentsTabActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminChangeFlatRateShippingMethodStatusActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminMarketingSiteMapNavigateNewActionGroup
- Navigate to New Site Map
- AdminMarketingSiteMapFillFormActionGroup
- Fill data to Site map form
- AdminMarketingSiteDeleteByNameActionGroup
- Go to the Site map page. Delete a site map based on the provided Name.
- AssertSiteMapCreateSuccessActionGroup
- Validate the success message after creating site map.
- AssertSiteMapDeleteSuccessActionGroup
- Validate the success message after delete site map.
- AdminCreateStoreViewActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Store View creation page. Fills in the provided Store View and Store details. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateStoreViewWithoutCheckActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateStoreViewActionGroup. Removes ‘waitForPageReload’ and ‘seeSavedMessage’.
- AdminCreateStoreViewActionSaveGroup
- Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- navigateToAdminContentManagementPage
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Content Management’.
- saveStoreConfiguration
- Clicks on the Save button.
- saveStoreConfigurationAndValidateFieldError
- Clicks on Save. Validates that the fields are required.
- AdminStoreGroupCreateActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Website and Store Group details. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminAddCustomWebSiteToStoreGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Store Group. Edits the Store. Adds the provided Website to the Store. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertStoreGroupInGridActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Store Group Name. Validates that the provided Store Group Name is present and correct in the grid.
- AssertStoreViewInGridActionGroup
- Goes the Admin Stores grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Store View Name. Validates that the provided Store View Name is present and correct in the grid.
- CreateCustomStoreViewActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Store Views creation page. Fills in the provided Store View Name. Clicks on Save.
- CreateStoreView
- Goes to the Admin Store Views creation page. Fills in the provided Store View, Store Group Name and Store View Status. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateWebsiteActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Website creation page. Fills in the provided Website Name and Code. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminGetWebsiteIdActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Filters the grid for the provided Website. Grabs the Website ID from the URL.
- AssertWebsiteInGrid
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Website Name. Validates that the Website appears in the grid.
- AssertWebsiteForm
- Clicks on the provided Website Name in the Admin Stores grid. Validates that the URL, Website Name/Code are present and correct.
- StoreViewDisabledErrorSaveMessageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Store View creation page. Fills in the provided Details (Store Group Name, Store View and Store View Status). Validates that the Error Message is present and correct.
- ChangeStoreInStoreViewActionGroup
- Clicks on the 1st row ‘Store View’ on the Admin Stores grid page. Selects the provided Store drop down menu. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Warning Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontSwitchStoreViewActionGroup
- Switch the Storefront to the provided Store View.
- StorefrontSwitchDefaultStoreViewActionGroup
- EXTENDS: StorefrontSwitchStoreViewActionGroup. Clicks on the Default Store View.
- DeleteCustomStoreActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Deletes the provided Store Group Name.
- DeleteCustomStoreBackupEnabledYesActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Deletes the provided Store Group Name while creating a DB backup. Validates that the Success Messages are present and correct.
- AssertStoreNotInGrid
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Validates that the provided Store Group Name is NOT present in the grid.
- AdminGoCreatedWebsitePageActionGroup
- Filter website name in grid and go first found website page
- AdminDeleteWebsiteActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Deletes the provided Website Name.
- DeleteCustomWebsiteActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Website Name. Deletes the provided Website Name. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertStorefrontStoreNotVisibleInFooterActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront. Validates that the provided Store is NOT present in the Footer Switch Store View drop down menu.
- SaveStoreConfigurationActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save button.
- AssertStoreViewFormActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Store, Name, Code and Status are present and correct on the Admin Stores creation/edit page.
- StoreFrontProductValidationActionGroup
- Goes to the provided Storefront Product page. Validates that the provided Product details are present and correct.
- AdminSwitchWebsiteActionGroup
- Selects the provided Website from the ‘Store View’ dropdown menu on the Admin Grid pages.
- AssertStoreConfigurationBackendActionGroup
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page. Clicks on the ‘Store View’ dropdown menu. Validates that the provided Website, Store, Store View 1 and Store View 2 are present and correct.
- AssertStoreFrontendActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront. Selects the provided Store in the Store View dropdown menu. Validates that the provided Store View #1 is selected. Validates that the provided Store View 2 is present in the dropdown menu.
- AssertStorefrontStoreVisibleInHeaderActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront. Validates that the provided Store is present in the Header Switch Store View drop down menu on the Storefront.
- AdminCreateNewStoreGroupActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores creation page. Fills in the provided Details (Website, Store Group Name and Store Group Code). Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- CreateCustomStore
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Clicks on ‘Create Store’. Fills in the provided Details (Website, Store Group Name and Store Group Code). Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertStoreGroupInGrid
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Searches for the provided Store Group Name. Validates that the provided Store Group Name is present in the grid.
- EditStoreGroupActionGroup
- Edit store group.
- ChangeDefaultStoreViewActionGroup
- Change the default store view for provided store group.
- AssertDefaultStoreViewActionGroup
- Asserts that the provided store view is default in provided store group.
- AssertStoreGroupForm
- Clicks on the 1st Store in the ‘Stores’ grid. Validates that the provided Details (Website, Store Group Name, Store Group Code and Root Category) are present and correct.
- AssertStoreGroupFormActionGroup
- Clicks on the 1st row of the Admin Store grid page. Validates that the provided Website, Store Group Name/Code and Root Category are present and correct.
- EditCustomStoreGroupAcceptWarningMessageActionGroup
- EXTENDS: CreateCustomStore. Removes ‘selectCreateStore’. Clicks on the 1st row. Clicks on Ok.
- AssertStorefrontStoreCodeInUrlActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Store Code is present in the Storefront URL.
- SaveStoreConfigurationAndValidateFieldErrorActionGroup
- Clicks on Save. Validates that the fields are required.
- AdminFilterStoreViewActionGroup
- Filters the Admin Catalog Product page based on the provided Store Group and Custom Store.
- AdminSwitchStoreViewActionGroup
- Selects the provided Website from the ‘Store View’ dropdown menu on the Admin Grid pages.
- AdminSwitchToAllStoreViewActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminSwitchStoreViewActionGroup. Clicks on the ‘All Store Views’ drop down menu. Validates that the ‘All Store Views’ options is present and correct.
- AssertStorefrontStoreVisibleInFooterActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront. Validates that the provided Store is present in the Footer Switch Store View drop down menu on the Storefront.
- AdminDeleteStoreViewActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Deletes the provided Store without creating a Backup. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- DeleteCustomStoreViewBackupEnabledYesActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Deleted the provided Store while creating a Backup. Validates that the Success Messages (Delete/Backup) are present and correct.
- AssertStoreViewNotInGrid
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Store View name. Validates that it does NOT appear in the grid.
- AdminSearchStoreViewByNameActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Clears filters and search by store view name.
- AdminDeleteStoreViewIfExistsActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminSearchStoreViewByNameActionGroup. Goes to the Admin Stores grid page. Deletes the provided Store (if exists) without creating a Backup. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminAddSwatchOptionAndFillFieldsActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminUpdateProductPreviewImageActionGroup
- No description.
- AddVisualSwatchToProductActionGroup
- Adds the provided Visual Swatch Attribute and Options (2) to a Product on the Admin Product creation/edit page. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AddVisualSwatchToProductWithStorefrontConfigActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AddVisualSwatchToProductActionGroup. Add the provided Visual Swatch Attribute and Options (2) to a Product with Storefront Configurations.
- AddVisualSwatchWithProductWithStorefrontPreviewImageConfigActionGroup
- No description.
- AddTextSwatchToProductActionGroup
- Add text swatch property attribute.
- StorefrontSelectSwatchOptionOnProductPage
- No description.
- StorefrontAssertSwatchOptionPrice
- No description.
- StorefrontSelectSwatchOptionOnProductPageAndCheckImage
- No description.
- StorefrontAddProductWithSwatchesToTheCartActionGroup
- No description.
- StorefrontUpdateCartConfigurableProductWithSwatches
- No description.
- setColorPickerByHex
- Sets the provided HEX value in the provided Color Picker.
- assertSwatchColor
- Validates that the provided Color Picker contains the provided Style.
- assertStorefrontSwatchColor
- Validates that the Storefront Product has the provided Swatch with the provided Color.
- openSwatchMenuByIndex
- Options the Swatch Menu based on the provided Index.
- AdminDeleteTaxRule
- Goes to the Admin Tax Rule grid page. Deletes the provided Tax Rule Code.
- editTaxConfigurationByUI
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Tax’. Enables the display of Taxes in the Storefront Shopping Cart and Checkout page.
- changeToDefaultTaxConfigurationUI
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Tax’. Set the Tax Configuration Settings to the Default values. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- addCustomTaxRate
- EXTENDS: addNewTaxRateNoZip. Removes ‘fillZipCode’ and ‘fillRate’. Fills in the Zip Code and Rate. PLEASE NOTE: The values are Hardcoded.
- addNewTaxRateNoZip
- Goes to the Admin Tax Rules grid page. Adds the provided Tax Code.
- changeShippingTaxClass
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page for ‘Tax’. Sets the ‘Tax Class for Shipping’ configuration setting to ‘Taxable Goods’. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- setDefaultShippingTaxClass
- Goes to the ‘Configuration’ page via the Admin Side Menu. Sets the ‘Tax Class for Shipping’ to the System Default. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- addProductTaxClass
- Adds the provided Product Tax Class to a Tax Rule. Clicks on Save.
- addNewTaxRuleActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Tax Rules grid page. Clicks on the Add New Tax Rule button.
- deleteProductTaxClass
- Goes to the Admin Tax Rule creation page. Deletes the provided Tax Class.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutCartTaxAmountActionGroup
- Check tax summary data in Summary section of shopping cart on storefront
- AdminCreateTaxRuleCustomProductTaxClassActionGroup
- Admin create tax rule with custom tax rate and product tax class
- AdminCreateTaxRuleActionGroup
- No description.
- addCustomerTaxClass
- Adds the provided Customer Tax Class on the Admin Tax Rule creation/edit page.
- deleteCustomerTaxClass
- Goes to the Admin New Tax Rule page. Deletes the provided Tax Class Name.
- StorefrontCheckElementColorActionGroup
- Checks element color on storefront.
- StorefrontClickOnHeaderLogoActionGroup
- Goes to the Storefront. Clicks on the Logo.
- NavigateToFaviconMediaFolderActionGroup
- Navigates to the Favicon Media folder in the ‘Media Gallery’. Clicks on the provided Store Folder.
- AdminChangeStorefrontThemeActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminTranslateElementActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertElementInTranslateInlineModeActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminClickSearchInGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminGridFilterApplyActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Apply Filters’ in the ‘Filters’ section of an Admin Grid page.
- AdminDataGridSelectPerPageActionGroup
- Sets the provided preset ‘per page’ display setting on an Admin Grid page.
- AdminGridFilterSearchResultsByInput
- Filters an Admin Grid page using the provided Filter Selector and Search Value.
- ClearFiltersAdminDataGridActionGroup
- Clicks on ‘Clear Filters’ on an Admin Grid page.
- AdminFormSaveAndClose
- Clicks on ‘Save and Close’. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AdminFormSaveAndDuplicate
- Clicks on ‘Save and Duplicate’. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- searchAdminDataGridByKeyword
- Fills ‘Search by keyword’ on an Admin Grid page. Clicks on Submit Search.
- resetAdminDataGridToDefaultView
- Resets an Admin Grid page to the ‘Default View’.
- clearFiltersAdminDataGrid
- Clicks on ‘Clear Filters’ on an Admin Grid page.
- AdminGridFilterFillInputFieldActionGroup
- Expands the ‘Filters’ section of an Admin Grid page. Fills in the provided Filter Value for the provided Filter Name.
- AdminGridFilterResetActionGroup
- Scrolls to the top of the page. Clicks on the ‘Clear Filters’ link, if present, in the Admin Grid ‘Filters’ section.
- AdminFillInputFilterFieldActionGroup
- No description.
- adminDataGridSelectPerPage
- Sets the provided preset ‘per page’ display setting on an Admin Grid page.
- adminDataGridSelectCustomPerPage
- Sets the provided custom ‘per page’ display setting on an Admin Grid page.
- adminDataGridDeleteCustomPerPage
- Sets the provided custom ‘per page’ display setting on an Admin Grid page. Deletes the Items listed in a grid. Validates that the ‘per page’ count in NOT present.
- SearchAdminDataGridByKeywordActionGroup
- Fills ‘Search by keyword’ on an Admin Grid page. Clicks on Submit Search.
- AssertStorefrontUrlRewriteRedirect
- Goes to the provided New URL. Validates that the redirect works and the provided Category is present.
- AssertStorefrontProductRedirect
- Goes to the provided New Product URL. Validates that the redirect works and the provided Product is present and correct.
- AdminProductFormUpdateUrlKeyActionGroup
- Update UrlKey for Product on Custom Store View.
- AdminSearchByRequestPath
- Goes to the Admin URL Rewrite grid page. Searches the grid based on the provided Redirect Path. Validates that the provided Redirect Path, Type and Target Path are present and correct in the grid.
- AdminSearchUrlRewriteProductBySku
- Goes to the Admin URL Rewrite grid page. Searches the grid based on the provided Product SKU. Clicks on the 1st row in the grid.
- AdminSearchDeletedUrlRewrite
- Goes to the Admin URL Rewrite grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Request Path. Validates that it does NOT appear in the grid.
- AdminDeleteUrlRewrite
- Goes to the Admin URL Rewrite grid page. Deletes the provided Request Path. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AssertPageByUrlRewriteIsNotFound
- Validates that the provided Request Path does NOT exist on the Storefront. Validates that the ‘Whoops’ message is present and correct.
- AdminSearchAndSelectUrlRewriteInGrid
- Goes to the Admin URL Rewrite grid page. Searches the grid for the provided Request Path. Clicks on Edit.
- AdminAddUrlRewrite
- Goes to the Admin Add URL Rewrite edit page. Fills in the provided URL details. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AdminAddUrlRewriteForProduct
- Adds the provided URL Rewrite details for a Product.
- AdminAddCustomUrlRewrite
- Goes to the Admin URL Rewrite edit page. Adds the provided Custom URL Rewrite details. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present.
- AdminUpdateUrlRewrite
- Updates the URL Rewrite fields with the provided details.
- AdminUpdateCustomUrlRewrite
- Updates the Custom URL Rewrite fields with the provided details.
- StorefrontCheckProductUrlActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Simple Product Url is correct.
- LoginNewUser
- Goes to the Backend Admin Login page. Fill Username and Password. Click on Sign In.
- AdminFillNewUserFormRequiredFieldsActionGroup
- Fills in the provided User details on the New User creation page.
- AdminCreateUserActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Users grid page. Clicks on Create User. Fills in the provided Role and User.
- AdminCreateUserWithRoleActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Users grid page. Clicks on Create User. Fills in the provided Role and User.
- AdminCreateUserWithApiRoleActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteUserActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Users grid page. Deletes the provided User. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminDeleteCustomUserActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Users grid page. Deletes the provided User. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateRoleActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Edit Role page. Fills in the provided User details. Add the provided Role. Clicks on Save.
- AdminFillUserRoleRequiredData
- No description.
- AdminAddRestrictedRole
- No description.
- AdminCreateRole
- Clicks on ‘Add New Role’. Fills in the provided details (Role, Resource, Scope and Websites). Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminDeleteCreatedUserActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Users grid page. Edits the provided User. Deletes the User. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminDeleteNewUserActionGroup
- Deletes a User that contains the name ‘John’. PLEASE NOTE: The Action Group values are Hardcoded.
- AdminClickSaveButtonOnUserRoleFormActionGroup
- Clicks on Save on the Admin Roles creation/edit page.
- AdminFillForgotPasswordFormActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Email Address on the Admin Forgot Password page.
- AdminOpenNewUserPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin New User page.
- AdminFillUserRoleFormActionGroup
- Fills in the provided Role and Current Admin Password on the Admin Roles creation/edit page.
- AdminCreateUserWithRoleAndIsActiveActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenAdminUsersPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteUserViaCurlActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminUpdateUserRoleActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenUserEditPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminClickSaveButtonOnUserFormActionGroup
- Clicks on the Save button on the Admin User creation/edit page.
- AdminOpenForgotPasswordPageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Login page. Clicks on the ‘Forgot Password’ link.
- AssertAdminUserIsInGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAddNewUserRoleActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminAddNewUserRoleWithCustomRoleScopes
- No description.
- AdminDeleteUserRoleActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteCreatedRoleActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminDeleteRoleByRoleNameActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminUserSaveMessageActionGroup
- Validates that the provided Save Message is present and correct.
- AssertUserRoleRestrictedAccessActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenCreateRolePageActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Roles edit page.
- AdminSubmitForgotPasswordFormActionGroup
- Clicks on the Retrieve Password button.
- AdminNavigateToVariablePageByCodeActionGroup
- No description.
- CreateCustomVariableActionGroup
- Goes to the Custom Variable creation page. Fills in the Custom Variable details. PLEASE NOTE: The Custom Variable details are Hardcoded using ‘customVariable’.
- DeleteCustomVariableActionGroup
- Goes to the Custom Variable grid page. Deletes the Custom Variable. PLEASE NOTE: The Custom Variable that is deleted is Hardcoded using ‘customVariable’.
- AdminOpenVariablesGridPageActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminCustomVariableInGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertAdminCustomVariableFormActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminFillVariableFormActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminOpenNewVariablePageActionGroup
- No description.
- AdminFilterVariableGridActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontCheckoutCartTaxAmountFPTActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AssertStorefrontCheckoutCartTaxAmountActionGroup. Add check FPT tax summary in Summary section of shopping cart on storefront
- AdminProductAddFPTValueActionGroup
- Adds the provided FPT details (Attribute Code, Country, State and Value) on the Admin Product creation/edit page.
- AdminCreateWidgetActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Widget creation page. Creates the provided Widget.
- AdminFillSpecificPageWidgetMainFieldsActionGroup
- Fill widget main fields and widget layout by index for specified page DisplayOn option
- AdminCreateProductsListWidgetActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateWidgetActionGroup. Creates a Product List Widget. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateDynamicBlocksRotatorWidgetActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateWidgetActionGroup. Creates a Dynamic Block Rotate Widget.
- AdminDeleteWidgetActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Widget grid page. Deletes the provided Widget. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateProductLinkWidgetActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateWidgetActionGroup. Creates a Product List Widget using the provided Product. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateAndSaveWidgetActionGroup
- EXTENDS: AdminCreateWidgetActionGroup. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- AdminCreateWidgetWithBlockActionGroup
- Goes to the Admin Widgets creation page. Creates the provided Widget which includes the provided Block. Clicks on Save. Validates that the Success Message is preset and correct.
- setEmailTextLengthLimitActionGroup
- No description.
- AssertStorefrontAddToWishListIconIsClickableForGuestUserActionGroup
- Assert ‘Add to Wish List’ icon is clickable in category product listing
- StorefrontCustomerAddCategoryProductToWishlistActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product to the Wish List from a Storefront Category page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontCustomerAddProductToWishlistActionGroup
- Adds the provided Product to the Wish List from the Storefront Product page. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontCustomerCheckProductInWishlist
- Validates that the provided Product details (Price and Name) are present in the Storefront Customer Dashboard Wish List.
- StorefrontCustomerCheckProductInWishlistSidebar
- Validates that the provided Product details (Name) are present in the Wish List side bar menu.
- StorefrontCustomerRemoveProductFromWishlistUsingSidebar
- Removes the provided Product from the Wish List side bar menu. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontCustomerAddProductToCartFromWishlistUsingSidebar
- Add the provided Product to the Cart from the Wish List side bar menu. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontCustomerEditProductInWishlist
- Edits the provided Product on the Storefront Wish List page. Fills in the provided Description and Quantity. Validates that the Success Message is present and correct.
- StorefrontCustomerShareWishlistActionGroup
- Shares the Wish List from the Storefront Wish List page. PLEASE NOTE: The details for sharing are Hardcoded using ‘Wishlist’.
- StorefrontAssertCustomerWishlistIsEmpty
- No description.