Code Validation

During technical review, all submissions are checked to ensure that the code meets Magento standards.

Type Severity Description
Error 10 A critical error with severity level 10 prevents an extension from passing technical review.
Warning 8 A severity level 8 warning does not prevent an extension from passing technical review. Developers are encouraged to resolve any issues that trigger a level 8 warning.
Warning 6 A severity level 6 warning does not prevent an extension from passing technical review. Developers are encouraged to resolve any issues that trigger a level 6 warning.

Magento 2.x rules

Critical errors - severity 10

Generic.Functions.CallTimePassByReference.NotAllowed Call-time pass-by-reference calls are prohibited.
Generic.PHP.CharacterBeforePHPOpeningTag.Found The opening PHP tag must be the first content in the file.
Generic.PHP.DeprecatedFunctions.Deprecated Function has been deprecated.
MEQP1.Exceptions.Namespace.NotFoundNamespace Namespace is not specified.
MEQP1.PHP.Goto.FoundGoto Use of goto is discouraged.
MEQP1.Security.LanguageConstruct.DirectOutput Use of echo and print language construct is discouraged.
MEQP1.Security.LanguageConstruct.ExitUsage Use of exit language construct is discouraged.
MEQP1.Security.LanguageConstruct.WrongBackQuotesUsage Incorrect usage of back quote string constant. Back quotes should be always inside strings.
MEQP1.Strings.RegEx.PossibleExecutableRegEx Possible executable regular expression. Make sure that the pattern doesn’t contain “e” modifier.
MEQP1.Strings.StringPosition.ImproperValueTesting Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of %s function.
MEQP2.PHP.Syntax.PHPSyntax PHP syntax error.
MEQP2.Security.Superglobal.SuperglobalUsageError Direct use of Superglobal detected.
PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MissingNamespace Each class must be in a namespace of at least one level (a top-level vendor name).
PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses Each class must be in a file by itself.
PSR2.Files.ClosingTag.NotAllowed A closing tag is not permitted at the end of a PHP file.
Squiz.PHP.Eval.Discouraged Use of eval() is discouraged.

Warnings - severity 8

Generic.Arrays.DisallowLongArraySyntax.Found Short array syntax must be used to define arrays.
Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName.Found Duplicate class name found.
Generic.CodeAnalysis.JumbledIncrementer.Found Loop incrementor jumbling with inner loop.
Generic.Files.LineEndings.InvalidEOLChar End of line character is invalid.
Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.MaxExceeded The cyclomatic complexity of the function exceeds allowed maximum of 20.
Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh The cyclomatic complexity of the function exceeds 10; consider refactoring the function.
Generic.Metrics.NestingLevel.MaxExceeded The nesting level of the function exceeds allowed maximum of 10.
Generic.Metrics.NestingLevel.TooHigh The nesting level of the function exceeds 5; consider refactoring the function.
Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged Silencing errors is discouraged.
MEQP1.Performance.CollectionCount.FoundCollectionCount Unnecessary loading of a Magento data collection. Use the getSize() method instead.
MEQP1.PHP.Var.FoundVar Use of var class variables is discouraged.
MEQP1.Security.IncludeFile.FoundIncludeFile File manipulations are discouraged.
MEQP1.SQL.RawQuery.FoundRawSql Possible raw SQL statement detected.
MEQP1.Strings.StringConcat.ImproperStringConcatenation Use of + operator to concatenate two strings detected.
MEQP2.Classes.ObjectInstantiation.FoundDirectInstantiation Direct object instantiation is discouraged in Magento 2.
MEQP2.Classes.ResourceModel.OutsideOfResourceModel Data access method detected outside of Resource Model.
MEQP2.Exceptions.DirectThrow.FoundDirectThrow Direct throw of exception is discouraged.
MEQP2.SQL.MissedIndexes.MissedIndexes No index found in database schema file.
MEQP2.Templates.RawJavaScript.FoundRawJS Missing JS component initialization. Use x-magento-init or x-magento-template.
MEQP2.Templates.XssTemplate.FoundUnescaped Unescaped output detected.
Squiz.Functions.GlobalFunction.Found Consider putting global function in a static class.
Squiz.PHP.GlobalKeyword.NotAllowed Use of the global keyword is forbidden.

Magento 1.x rules

Critical errors - severity 10

Generic.Arrays.DisallowShortArraySyntax.Found Short array syntax is not allowed.
Generic.Functions.CallTimePassByReference.NotAllowed Call-time pass-by-reference calls are prohibited.
Generic.PHP.CharacterBeforePHPOpeningTag.Found The opening PHP tag must be the first content in the file.
Generic.PHP.DeprecatedFunctions.Deprecated Function has been deprecated.
MEQP1.Exceptions.Namespace.NotFoundNamespace Namespace for %s class is not specified.
MEQP1.PHP.Goto.FoundGoto Use of goto is discouraged.
MEQP1.PHP.Syntax.PHPSyntax PHP syntax error.
MEQP1.Security.Acl.MissingAclMethod Missing the _isAllowed() ACL method in the class.
MEQP1.Security.LanguageConstruct.DirectOutput Use of echo and print language construct is discouraged.
MEQP1.Security.LanguageConstruct.ExitUsage Use of exit language construct is discouraged.
MEQP1.Security.LanguageConstruct.WrongBackQuotesUsage Incorrect usage of back quote string constant. Back quotes should be always inside strings.
MEQP1.Security.Superglobal.SuperglobalUsageError Direct use of Superglobal detected.
MEQP1.Strings.RegEx.PossibleExecutableRegEx Possible executable regular expression. Make sure that the pattern doesn’t contain “e” modifier.
MEQP1.Strings.StringPosition.ImproperValueTesting Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of %s function.
PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses Each class must be in a file by itself.
Squiz.PHP.Eval.Discouraged Use of eval() is discouraged.
Zend.Files.ClosingTag.NotAllowed A closing tag is not permitted at the end of a PHP file.

Warnings - severity 8

Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName.Found Duplicate class name found.
Generic.CodeAnalysis.JumbledIncrementer.Found Loop incrementor jumbling with inner loop.
Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.MaxExceeded The cyclomatic complexity of the function exceeds allowed maximum of 20.
Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh The cyclomatic complexity of the function exceeds 10; consider refactoring the function.
Generic.Metrics.NestingLevel.MaxExceeded The nesting level of the function exceeds allowed maximum of 10.
Generic.Metrics.NestingLevel.TooHigh The nesting level of the function exceeds 5; consider refactoring the function.
Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged Silencing errors is discouraged.
MEQP1.Classes.ObjectInstantiation.FoundDirectInstantiation Direct object instantiation is discouraged in Magento.
MEQP1.Classes.ResourceModel.OutsideOfResourceModel Data access method detected outside of Resource Model.
MEQP1.Performance.CollectionCount.FoundCollectionCount Unnecessary loading of a Magento data collection. Use the getSize() method instead.
MEQP1.Performance.FetchAll.FoundFetchAll fetchAll() can be memory inefficient for large data sets.
MEQP1.Performance.GetFirstItem.FoundGetFirstItem getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
MEQP1.Performance.Loop.ArraySize Array size calculation function detected in loop.
MEQP1.Performance.Loop.DataLoad Data load method detected in loop.
MEQP1.Performance.Loop.ModelLSD Model LSD method detected in loop.
MEQP1.PHP.Var.FoundVar Use of var class variables is discouraged.
MEQP1.SQL.RawQuery.FoundRawSql Possible raw SQL statement detected.
MEQP1.SQL.SlowQuery.FoundSlowSql Possible slow SQL method detected.
MEQP1.SQL.SlowQuery.FoundSlowRawSql Possible slow SQL method detected.
MEQP1.Strings.StringConcat.ImproperStringConcatenation Use of + operator to concatenate two strings detected.
MEQP1.Security.IncludeFile.FoundIncludeFile File manipulations are discouraged.
MEQP1.SQL.MissedIndexes.MissedIndexes There was not found any index in database schema file.
Squiz.Functions.GlobalFunction.Found Consider putting global function in a static class.
Squiz.PHP.GlobalKeyword.NotAllowed Use of the global keyword is forbidden.

Code quality issues and solutions

Copy paste detector (CPD)

Issue The Copy Paste Detector indicates that the extension contains duplicate code from Magento native products or from other extensions.
Solution The Marketplace team will provide a list of places in your extension code that were identified as duplicate. If the extension is found to duplicate Magento code, review the list, and remove each instance of duplicate code. Then, upload a new package and resubmit the extension.Any extension that is found to duplicate code from another extension will be rejected. To prove that you own the code in question, see Magento Marketplace Support.


Issue The extension contains code elements that are not allowed to be used in Marketplace extensions. See the Technical Report for a list of elements in your code that are not allowed.
Solution To duplicate the tests locally, use the MEQP CodeSniffer tool. Remove all disallowed code elements. Then, upload a new package and resubmit the extension. To learn more, see Magento Extension Quality Program Coding Standard.


Issue The extension conflicts with other extensions.
Solution The Marketplace team will provide you with a list of the identified conflicts. Correct the code that is causing the conflict. Then, upload a new package and resubmit the extension.

M1 Package missing

Issue The package file was not submitted, or is missing from the Magento repository. It’s possible that the package file was not included correctly during the migration.
Solution Upload a new package, and resubmit the extension.

Hidden files in archive

Issue Hidden files were detected in the archive. It is possible that configuration files from the development environment were included in the distribution package. Such hidden files can cause configuration problems for the end user.
Solution Remove the hidden files. Then, upload a new package, and resubmit the extension.